Page 83 - 2022 Sustainability Report
P. 83
Employee Resource Groups to Offer Greater
Development, Community Service Opportunities
Martin Marietta has launched its first employee resource The third and final ERG set to debut in 2023 is Martin
groups (ERGs) in order to provide additional support and Marietta’s Multicultural ERG (MERGE), which is scheduled
opportunities for all teammates, including those with to begin in the spring.
diverse backgrounds.
Kelly Bennett, Vice President of Total Rewards and Head of
Open to all Martin Marietta employees, these groups will Inclusion and Engagement, said each ERG will provide its
focus on building community, offering development members with ample opportunities for professional and
opportunities and providing a forum where new ideas can personal growth while highlighting the strength of Martin
be respectfully shared and considered. Marietta’s ONE culture. “Our culture is based on our
people. We care about our employees. We want them to
In February, the Martin Marietta Military and Veterans be safe at work. We want them to feel valued, and we
Community (MVC) became the first company-wide ERG to want them to know and feel that they belong,” she said.
debut. It was followed soon after by Women Who Build “And just as we grow and recognize the unique nature of
(WWB), which launched its first communications on our footprint around the globe, we want, through our
March 8, International Women’s Day. inclusion and engagement efforts, to keep finding ways to
connect our people to Martin Marietta and other valued
team members.”