Page 92 - 2022 Sustainability Report
P. 92


        2022’s Martin Marietta
        Scholars are out to Change the World

        They led in high school and now, they’re leading in college.  Austin Falcon—Southwest Division
        They’re young, but they seem to know what’s right.    The son of Southeast Ready Mix Dispatch Customer Service
        They’re talented, but they seem to know the importance of  Representative Roy Gonzalez and Lety Gonzalez, Austin
        hard work. They’re each going to make an impact on their  graduated from West Brook Senior High School in
        community. Martin Marietta is pleased to assist.      Beaumont, Texas, with a 4.0 grade point average. He

                                                              currently attends the University of Texas at San Antonio
        In 2022, the Martin Marietta Scholarship program expanded
                                                              (UTSA), where he studies accounting. Eventually, he hopes
        to provide 12 students with $5,000 a year for expenses at
                                                              to become a certified public accountant. Austin says he
        an accredited college. Renewable for up to four years, the
                                                              consistently strives to be the type of person others can
        award has a total value of $20,000 for each student.
                                                              depend on. As he pursues his career, he wants to assist
        The impacts of this expansion are clear: More science-  others as they work toward financial independence. “By
        minded students will be able to enter fields like medicine  studying accounting, I will learn and understand finance,
        and physical therapy. More patriots will be able to serve  which is a crucial aspect of our modern world,” he says.
        their country. More artists will be able to strengthen our  “Being fluent in this field will also allow me to be a great
        culture. This year’s winners are a special group, and we’re  help to others who are not as well-versed in the subject.”
        excited to share their stories. Read more below:

        Payton Dickerson—Southwest Division
        The daughter of Corsicana Yard Equipment Operator
        Shane Dickerson and Jody Dickerson, Payton graduated
        from Mildred High School in Corsicana, Texas, with a 4.25
        grade point average. She now attends Connors State
        College in Oklahoma, where she plays softball and studies
        sociology. She ultimately hopes to become a forensic
        psychologist. In high school, Payton enjoyed sports, drama
        club, volunteering at a local nursing home and coaching
        youth softball. “I believe one of the best things you can be,
        is an active listener,” she says. “I want to further my
        education in psychology to help others with the struggles
        brought on by uncertainty and self-doubt.”

                                          Payton Dickerson                                        Austin Falcon

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