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John J. Koraleski Laree E. Perez
Former Chairman of the Board, Owner and Managing Partner
President and Chief Executive Officer The Medallion Company, LLC
Union Pacific
Ms. Perez has been a Director since
Mr. Koraleski joined the Martin 2004, and is an investment consultant
Marietta Board in 2016. Mr. Koraleski with DeRoy & Devereaux, an
served from February 2015 through independent investment adviser,
his retirement in September 2015 as where she has provided client
executive Chairman of the Board of consulting services since 2015. She
the Union Pacific Corporation (UP), was previously Owner and Managing
which through its subsidiaries operates North America’s premier Partner of The Medallion Company, LLC, a consulting firm, from
railroad franchise, covering 23 states across the western two‐ 2003 to 2015.
thirds of the United States. Prior to that, he was named President
From 1996 until 2002, she was Vice President of Loomis,
and Chief Executive Officer of the UP in March 2012, elected as a
Sayles & Company, L.P. Ms. Perez was co‐founder of Medallion
Director of the UP in July 2012 and appointed Chairman of the
Board in 2014. Since joining the Union Pacific (Railroad) in 1972, Investment Company, Inc. and served as President and Chief
Mr. Koraleski held a number of executive positions in the UP and Executive Officer from 1991 until it was acquired by Loomis Sayles
the Railroad, including, Executive Vice President – Marketing and in 1996.
Sales from 1999 to 2012, Executive Vice President – Finance and Ms. Perez was previously a Director of GenOn Energy, Inc., a large
Information Technology, Chief Financial Officer and Controller. power producer in the United States, where she was Chair of its
Audit Committee and a member of its Risk and Finance Oversight
Mr. Koraleski served as the Chairman of The Bridges Investment
Fund, Inc., a general equity fund whose primary investment Committee. In addition to civic and charitable organizations, Ms.
Perez recently served as Vice Chairman of the Board of Regents
objective is to seek long‐term capital appreciation, from 2005
at Baylor University and previously served on the Board of
through March 2012 and is a past Chairman of the Association of
Trustees at New Mexico State University, where she was also
American Railroads.
Chairman of the Board.
Mr. Koraleski earned a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree
in Business Administration from the University of Nebraska Ms. Perez earned a bachelor's degree from Baylor University in
Finance and Economics.
at Omaha.
Page 94 ♦ Annual Report Celebrating 25 Years as a Public Company