Page 95 - 2019 Annual Report
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                               Sue W. Cole                                           Smith W. Davis
                               Managing Partner
                                                                                     Greenberg Traurig LLP,
                               SAGE Leadership & Strategy, LLC
                                                                                     Mr. Davis has been a Director since
                               Ms.  Cole  has  been  a  Director  since
                               2002,  and  is  currently  the  managing              2018,  and  since  January  2020,  is  a
                               partner of SAGE Leadership & Strategy,                partner in the Washington, D.C. office
                               LLC,  an  advisory  firm  for  businesses,            of Greenberg Traurig, an international
                                                                                     law  firm.  Mr.  Davis  focuses  his
                               organizations and individuals relating to
                                                                                     practice  on  both  legal  reform
                               strategy,  governance  and  leadership
                               development.                                          (litigation‐related  policy  matters)
                                                                across a broad range of industries and issues related to natural
           She was previously a principal of Granville Capital Inc., a registered   gas pipeline. Until December 31, 2019, Mr. Davis was a senior
           investment  advisor,  from  2006  to  2011.  Before  that,  Ms.  Cole   partner at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, an international
           served  as  Regional  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the  Mid‐Atlantic   law  firm.  Mr.  Davis  provided  counsel  on  a  wide  variety  of
           Region of U.S. Trust Company, N.A., from 2003 to 2006, and as   legislative  and  regulatory  matters,  including  those  before  a
           Chief Executive Officer of U.S. Trust Company of North Carolina and   variety of congressional committees. Mr. Davis’ practice included
           its predecessor, North Carolina Trust Company.       advising  on  legal  matters  relating  to  environmental  issues,
                                                                financial  institutions,  mergers  and  acquisitions,  and  pension
           Ms.  Cole  serves  as  Chair  of  the  Compensation  Committee  of
                                                                reform. Mr. Davis served on the Compensation and Management
           Biscuitville, Inc., where she was previously Chairman of the Board.
           Ms. Cole has previously served on the public‐company board of   Committees at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP.
           UNIFI, Inc. She also serves on the Investment Committee of the   Prior to joining Greenberg Traurig LLP, Mr. Davis was a partner at
           University of North Carolina at Greensboro and as a member of the   Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld and earlier in his career had
           North Carolina Economic Development Board. Ms. Cole is also past   served as a counsel to the House Judiciary Committee.
           Chairman of the North Carolina Chamber of Commerce.
                                                                Mr.  Davis  attended  Yale  University  where  he  received  his
           Ms. Cole attended the University of North Carolina at Greensboro   bachelor's degree, magna cum laude, and Yale Law School where
           where  she  earned  a  Bachelor  of  Science  Degree  in  Business   he received his Juris Doctor degree.
           Administration and a Master of Business Administration in Finance.

           Celebrating 25 Years as a Public Company                                             Annual Report  ♦  93
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