Page 94 - 2019 Annual Report
P. 94


                                C. Howard Nye                                        Dorothy M. Ables
                                Chairman of the Board, President                     Former Chief Administrative Officer
                                and Chief Executive Officer                          Spectra Energy Corp.
                                Martin Marietta
                                                                                     Ms. Ables joined the Martin Marietta
                                Mr. Nye has served as Chairman of                    Board  in  2018.  Ms.  Ables  held  a
                                the Board since 2014, as President of                number  of  executive  positions  with
                                Martin  Marietta  since  2006  and  as               Spectra  Energy  and  predecessor
                                Chief Executive Officer and a Director               companies,  including  serving  from
                                since  2010.  Mr.  Nye  previously                   November  1,  2008  to  2017  as  the
                                served  as  Chief  Operating  Officer                Chief Administrative Officer of Spectra
           from 2006 to 2009. Prior to joining Martin Marietta in 2006, Mr.   Energy Corp., where she was responsible for human resources,
           Nye spent nearly 13 years in a series of increasingly responsible   information  technology,  support  services,  community
           positions with Hanson PLC, including as Executive Vice President   relations and audit services. Prior to that, she served as Vice
           of its North American building materials business.   President of Audit Services and Chief Ethics and Compliance
           Since  2018, Mr.  Nye  has been  a  member of  the  Board of   Officer  for  Spectra  Energy,  Vice  President  and  Chief
           Directors  of  General  Dynamics  Corporation  (NYSE:  GD),  a   Compliance Officer for Duke Energy Corporation and Senior
           global  aerospace  and  defense  company.  In  2019, Forbes   Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for Duke Energy
                                                                Gas  Transmission.  Spectra  Energy  was  a  Fortune  500
           Magazine  recognized  Mr.  Nye  as  one  of  America’s  Most
                                                                Company and one of North America’s leading pipeline and
           Innovative  Leaders;  he  was  previously  recognized  by  both
           Aggregates Manager and Pit & Quarry magazines as Aggman   midstream companies. Ms. Ables started her career in the
           of the Year and Hall of Fame inductee, respectively.   audit department of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.
                                                                Ms. Ables serves as an Independent Director of Cabot Oil &
           In addition to his educational, professional, executive and
                                                                Gas  Corporation,  an  independent  oil  and  gas  company,
           related roles, Mr. Nye is a past Chairman of the Board of the
                                                                where she is Chair of the Audit Committee and a member of
           National  Stone,  Sand  &  Gravel  Association  (NSSGA);  he
           presently  serves  as  Vice  Chairman  of  the  Board  of  the   the Compensation Committee. She served as a Director of
           American Road Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA).   Spectra Energy Partners, an affiliate of Spectra Energy Corp.,
                                                                from 2013 to 2017.
           Mr. Nye is also a member of the Board of Directors of the
           United  States  Chamber  of  Commerce,  the  world’s  largest   Ms. Ables attended the University of Texas at Austin where
           business organization, and as Chairman of the North Carolina   she earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in
           Chamber. Mr. Nye has also served on numerous other state,   Accounting.
           local and/or philanthropic organizations including the North
           Carolina Business Council of Management and Development,
           Inc., Co‐Chair of the NC FIRST Commission (evaluating North
           Carolina’s  current  and  future  transportation  investment
           needs),  and  as  a  gubernatorial  appointee  to  the  North
           Carolina  Mining  Commission.  He  has  also  served  on  the
           Alumni  Boards  at  Duke  University  and  Wake  Forest
           University School of Law.

           Mr. Nye received a Bachelor’s degree from Duke University
           and a Law degree from Wake Forest University.

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