Page 97 - 2019 Annual Report
P. 97


                               Thomas H. Pike                                       Michael J. Quillen
                               Former Chief Executive Officer                       Lead Independent Director
                               Quintiles Transnational Holdings, Inc.               Martin Marietta
                               Tom Pike joined the Martin Marietta                  Former Chairman of the Board and
                               board  in  2019.  Mr.  Pike  has  more               Chief Executive Officer
                               than  30  years  of  global  leadership,             Alpha Natural Resources, Inc.
                               strategy  and  operations  experience
                                                                                    Mr. Quillen has been a Director since
                               spanning  a  variety  of  industries.  He
                               was most recently CEO and a member                   2008, and served as Lead Independent
                               of the Board of Directors of Quintiles               Director of Martin Marietta since 2014.
           Transnational Holdings, Inc. (Quintiles), a leading fully integrated   Mr. Quillen served as Chairman of the Board of Directors and
           biopharmaceutical   services   company   offering   clinical,   President of Alpha Natural Resources, Inc., an Appalachian coal
           commercial  and  consulting  solutions  worldwide,  before  its   supplier, from 2006 to 2009, as Chief Executive Officer from 2004
           merger with IMS Health (NYSE: IQV) in 2016 to create IQVIA. Mr.   to 2009, and non‐Executive Chairman through May 2012.
           Pike led Quintiles through a successful public offering and helped
           it grow into a Fortune 500 company. Under Mr. Pike’s leadership,   Mr. Quillen has also served as Chairman (Rector) of the Board of
           Quintiles was named one of the world’s Most Ethical Companies   Visitors of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University from
                                                                July 2012 to June 2014 and was reappointed to an additional four‐
           in 2016. He retired on December 1, 2016 after Quintiles’ merger
                                                                year  term  on  the  Board  of  Governors  in  July  2014.  He  was
           with IMS Health.
                                                                Chairman  of  the  Audit  and  Finance  Committee  of  Virginia
           Prior to Quintiles, Mr. Pike spent 22 years at Accenture (NYSE:   Polytechnic Institute and State University from July 2010 to June
           ACN), a leading global professional services company, providing a   2012. He also served on the Virginia Port Authority from 2003 to
           broad  range  of  services  and  solutions  in  strategy,  consulting,   2012 and as Chairman from July 2011 to December 2012.
           digital,  technology  and  operations,  until  December  2009.  At
                                                                Mr.  Quillen  attended  Virginia  Polytechnic  Institute  and  State
           Accenture, Mr. Pike’s roles included serving as Chief Risk Officer
           and Managing Director of the North America Health and Products   University,  earning  both  a  Bachelor's  degree  and  a  Master's
           business areas. Prior to that, he was the global Chief Operating   degree in Civil Engineering.
           Officer for Accenture’s Resources operating group and had also
           served as Accenture’s Chief Strategy Officer.
           Since  leaving  Accenture  in  December  2009  and  until  joining
           Quintiles in April 2012, Mr. Pike was involved with a number of
           start‐ups in the technology and healthcare sectors. Early in his
           career, he was a consultant at McKinsey & Company.

           Mr. Pike earned his bachelor of science in accounting from the
           University of Delaware.

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