Page 16 - Code of Ethical Business Conduct
P. 16
14 Martin Marietta
the judgment of the recipient in the performance of his or her duties.
Gifts of cash are prohibited. It is not inappropriate under this policy to
be the recipient of, or to offer, common courtesies; sales promotional
items of small value; occasional meals; reasonable entertainment,
recreation or tickets; or other items appropriate to a business relation-
ship, so long as it is appropriate as to time and place, can withstand
public scrutiny, does not influence or give the appearance of influenc-
ing the business judgment of the recipient, is within the bounds of
moderation and common sense, and is either inexpensive or approved
by a senior corporate officer or division president.
n Employees who make and supervisors who approve expenditures
for meals, refreshments, or entertainment must use discretion and
care to ensure that such expenditures are in the proper course
of business and could not reasonably be construed as bribes or
improper inducements.
Relations with Government Employees
Federal, state and local government departments and agencies are
governed by laws and regulations concerning acceptance by their employees
of entertainment, meals, gifts, gratuities and other things of value from
firms and persons with whom those departments and agencies do business
or over whom they have regulatory authority.
It is the general policy of Martin Marietta to prohibit its employees from
giving or offering to give any of these items to government employees. There
are, however, permissible exceptions within these laws and regulations such
as distributing token business mementos and providing nominal refresh-
ments during the conduct of business discussions. Since these exceptions
are narrowly construed and subject to change or deletion, any question
concerning them should be referred to the Company’s Legal Department.
n Martin Marietta employees may not make loans, guarantee loans,
make payments or give gifts of any value to federal, state or local
government employees.
n Martin Marietta employees may entertain socially any relatives or
friends employed by government agencies. It should be clear,
however, that the entertainment is not related to the business of
Martin Marietta. No expenditure for such social entertainment is
reimbursable by Martin Marietta to the employee.