Page 12 - Code of Ethical Business Conduct
P. 12
10 Martin Marietta
In addition, the Company has the right to inspect the contents on all
Company owned or leased computer equipment or other electronic devices.
Any activity that violates applicable law or Company policy may result in
disciplinary action, including discharge and/or disclosure to appropriate law
enforcement officials.
Any software utilized by the Company or its employees will be used in
accordance with the terms of any applicable software license or agreement.
In general, the only software that should be loaded on your computer or other
devices is that which the Company has approved and purchased. Illegal dupli-
cation or use of software can subject both the Company and the employee
using the software to significant fines (civil and criminal) and legal action.
All directors, officers and employees of Martin Marietta should maintain
the confidentiality of information entrusted to them by Martin Marietta, its
business partners, suppliers, customers
or others related to Martin Marietta’s
Q: I have just joined the Company
as a new employee, and my business. Such information must not be
previous employer is one of the disclosed to others, except when disclo-
Company’s biggest competitors. sure is authorized by Martin Marietta or
May I share some important legally mandated.
marketing information I developed
while at my former employer? Confidential information includes all
non-public information that might be of
A: No. It is not ethical or a use to competitors or harmful to Martin
good business practice to Marietta, or its customers, if disclosed.
share confidential information
with your new employer. You As with all other provisions in this Code,
are obligated to protect your this provision is not intended, nor will
past employer’s confidential be interpreted, to interfere with, restrain,
information just as the Compa- or prevent employee communications
ny’s employees are obligated regarding wages, hours, or other terms
to protect our confidential
information should they leave and conditions of employment.
the Company. The Company respects the privacy
of its employees, customers and sup-
pliers. Employees are responsible for
complying with relevant data privacy laws when accessing the personal
data of others.