Page 15 - Code of Ethical Business Conduct
P. 15
Code of Ethical Business Conduct 13
24 hours a day, 365 days of the year), visiting www.martinmarietta.alert-, or writing the Ethics Office, PO Box 30013, Raleigh, NC 27622.
Although it may be impossible in certain circumstances to keep a person’s
identity confidential, the Company will strive to take every action practicable
to maintain confidentiality for any person reporting a violation. The Company
will not allow retaliation for reports made in good faith.
Entertainment, Gifts Appropriate Gifts and
and Payments Entertainment….
The sales of Martin Marietta products n Is a normal, infrequent
and services should always be free from business courtesy to maintain
good business relations
even the inference or perception that n Is not cash or more than
favorable treatment was sought, received modest value
or given on the basis of the furnishing or n Does not call recipient’s
receipt of gifts, entertainment, favors, objectivity into question
hospitality or other gratuities. Similarly, n Creates no perception of
purchase of supplies, materials, and undue influence
n Does not obligate you
services from vendors, suppliers, and or Martin Marietta to the gift
subcontractors must be accomplished in giver or other party
a manner that preserves the integrity of n Would not embarrass you
a procurement process based on quality or Martin Marietta if the public
and performance. Reported information became aware of it
should be accurate when made and n Is not paid to a government
disclose all pertinent information in a way
that is not misleading.
Martin Marietta specifically prohibits offering, giving, soliciting or receiv-
ing any form of bribe or kickback. These are criminal acts.
The following guidelines should be observed in relations with customers
and supplier personnel.
Relations with Non-Government Personnel
n Furnishing meals, refreshments and entertainment in conjunction with
business discussions with non-government personnel is a commonly
accepted practice. Martin Marietta permits its employees to engage
in this practice.
n No employee or director will directly or indirectly accept or offer
payments, gifts, entertainment or other gratuities (regardless of size
or amount) that would have the effect or appearance of influencing