Page 19 - Code of Ethical Business Conduct
P. 19

Code of Ethical Business Conduct   17

         Political Contributions
            Martin Marietta encourages its employees to become involved in civic
         affairs and to participate in political activities. In this regard, Martin Marietta
         acknowledges and respects the right of its employees to support any
         candidate or political party through personal contributions. Employees must
         recognize, however, that their involvement and participation must be on an
         individual basis, on their own time, and at their own expense.
            The Company is a member of, and encourages its employees to partici-
         pate in, national and state trade associations for a variety of reasons,
         including monitoring of industry policies, current
         legislation and trends, building industry skills   Employees are not reim-
         and civic participation. Company participation   bursed by the Company
         in trade associations, including membership on   for personal political con-
         a trade association board, does not mean that   tributions, and employee
         the Company agrees with every position a trade   compensation will not be
         association takes on an issue. In fact, from   increased or otherwise
                                                    adjusted to reflect political
         time to time our corporate positions may differ   contributions made.
         from those of the trade association of which
         we are members.
            No Martin Marietta funds or assets, including the work time of any
         employee, may be contributed or loaned, or made available to any political
         party, campaign or candidate other than through a Company-approved po-
         litical contributions committee (PCC). Federal and many state laws prohibit
         corporate contributions to political parties or candidates. Any contribution
         on behalf of the Company to a state or local campaign requires the prior
         approval of the Company’s PCC or Legal Department. This policy applies
         to corporate contributions to political parties or candidates.

         Preservation of Corporate Assets
            Every employee is charged with the duty to preserve any of Martin
         Marietta’s assets, its property, plants and equipment, and equipment that
         has been furnished by our customers and suppliers. Each employee,
         officer, manager and director is personally accountable for Company funds
         or assets over which he or she has control.
            All employees, officers, managers and directors should protect the
         Company’s assets and ensure their efficient use. Theft, carelessness and
         waste have a direct impact on the Company’s profitability and therefore
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