Page 52 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 52


        Our Approach

        Martin Marietta is committed to operating in an environmentally responsible and safe manner and reporting our
        performance with respect to key areas of focus as well as how our sustainability practices and goals are embedded in our
        corporate strategy. All aspects of our sustainability approach, including environmental stewardship, are an integral part of
        Martin Marietta’s annual planning process and day-to-day business. We strive to safely and sustainably manage our
        business and to pursue our economic objectives.

        The Role of Our Employees, Management and Board

        Martin Marietta has robust governance and oversight in  Various aspects of our business are highly regulated,
        place as it relates to environmental matters, including  including by governmental standards and permitting
        climate change-related issues. We place day-to-day    requirements related to air emissions, water discharges,
        responsibility for compliance with our operations     waste management, noise and dust control, land use and
        management and view it as an important part of our    other environmental matters. It is our policy to continually
        ongoing strategy. In this regard:                     meet and, where possible, exceed compliance with
                                                              applicable environmental laws and regulations, which in
        • We have strong oversight of environmental matters at  the U.S. (where almost all of our operations are conducted)
          each of the Board, management and operating levels.  can be stricter than in Europe or other parts of the world.
        • We view sustainability as a part of our day-to-day and  We also continually invest in new or upgraded equipment
          long-term strategies and as a driver of our ability to  and processes to maintain compliance and to outperform
          create value.                                       in building value for our shareholders. To achieve our

        • We strive for continuous improvements in our        environmental-related goals, we employ a full-time staff of
          environmental performance and view it as an area that  engineers and managers with significant expertise in
          can also create business opportunities for us.      environmental compliance and sustainability.
        • Our stewardship programs are guided by a combination  • Most hold degrees in various engineering disciplines or
          of industry best practices, innovative operational    environmental-related sciences, including mining and
          improvements and the use of clean technologies.       civil engineering, geology, biology and soil science.
        • We include environmental matters in our management  • Many are members of, or have leadership positions in,
          discussions, goals and compensation.                  industry associations and hold professional certifications
                                                                that require continuing education and training.
        “We view sustainability as a part of                  • Many are former staff of regulatory agencies or of
                                                                organizations that are dedicated to wildlife and
        our day-to-day and long-term                            conservation, such as The Nature Conservancy.
        strategies and as a driver of our                     • Many of our environmental professionals and operations

        ability to create value.”                               managers are outdoorspeople with a keen interest in
                                                                wildlife and habitat conservation, as evidenced by their
                                                                active memberships in organizations such as Ducks
                                                                Unlimited, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the
                                                                Wildlife Habitat Council.

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