Page 47 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 47


        Brooks also added that, regarding safety protocols, the company is in a league of its own and constantly meeting and
        pushing worldclass standards. “Today, Guardian Angel is incredibly strong across our footprint, but our work will never be
        complete,” he said. “If we are to avoid complacency and continue to lead our industry, we must always strive to improve
        upon and grow our safety culture.”

          Senior Vice President of Enterprise Excellence Oliver Brooks and President of the Southwest Division Kirk Light present during the
          Human Resources and Safety Conference in September

        Overall, conference participants said they took away new and exciting ideas to continue their work.

        Christa Tourault, vice president of human resources for the West Division, said the opportunity to talk with other Martin
        Marietta employees and hear about company initiatives was especially valuable since she has only served with the
        company since May of 2023.
        “I enjoyed all the speakers, in particular the internal speakers. As a newer employee, hearing from our internal leaders as
        they share their views and wisdom about where we are, where we’ve been and where we are going was amazing,” she
        said. “I do not have legacy knowledge of Martin Marietta, so all the presentations allowed me to gain insight into our
        programs and opportunities. I feel I have an even better understanding of the whole company.”

        Likewise, for Dave Metcalf, a senior safety representative in the Indiana District, said the conference gave him a chance to
        hear all that is happening within the company and meet people with unique ideas.

        “This conference is very important when it comes to our safety. I say this because it allows us, as a world-class operation,
        to share ideas and best practices,” he said. “As the company grows, I feel these events will allow Martin Marietta to keep
        our world-class status in safety and excellence, too.”

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