Page 46 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 46


        Corporate Safety Audit Initiative

        Our corporate safety audit initiative has been an essential
        element in our safety journey. Originally implemented  We Continue to Prove
        with a core team of seven safety professionals, the audit
        team was expanded in recent years to include all safety  that Zero is Possible
        professionals and operational staff as well. Its purpose
        was to share best practices and to identify process and
                                                                                         of employees
        communication improvements to further the Company’s                              experienced ZERO lost-
        safety performance to world-class levels.              99.9% time incidents in 2023

        Local personnel act as safety auditors to continue driving
        better performance. In total, these audit teams conducted                        of employees
        291 safety audits, inspections and engagements across  99.1%                     experienced ZERO
        the Company’s footprint in 2023. Led by operations                               incidents in 2023
        leadership, from hourly employees to our Division
        Presidents, this process allowed our teams to maintain a
        strong, boots-on-the-ground presence, which contributed
        to Martin Marietta’s safest year on record. In this regard,                      units have worked more
        our MSHA citation per inspection (CPI) rate of 1.08 and        84                than 500,000 hours with
        our MSHA citation per inspection day (CPD) rate of 0.31                          ZERO lost-time injuries
        outperformed the 2023 aggregates/cement/lime industry
        averages of 1.81 and 1.08, respectively.

        Human Resources and Safety Teams Strive for


        Martin Marietta’s HR and safety professionals met in  and Health Administration and Mine Safety and Health
        Dallas, Texas, in September to discuss recent challenges  Administration workshops, a discussion on inclusion and
        and plot out plans to ensure people and safety excellence  engagement, a presentation on mental health in the
        for years to come. The conference consisted of three days  workplace, a conversation on leading change in a volatile
        dedicated to learning and growing from peers and outside  world from Southern Methodist University’s Executive
        presenters.                                           Education Program, a review of key employment law topics
                                                              and a presentation from each division about a unique topic
        “This conference allowed all of us to communicate and
                                                              to their area.
        collaborate,” said Thomas Nelson, vice president of human
        resources for our Central Division. “We are always our best  One presentation by Senior Vice President of Enterprise
        when we work together as ONE team, and an important   Excellence Oliver Brooks and Southwest Division President
        goal of this conference was to strengthen that spirit of  Kirk Light included a conversation on enterprise excellence.
        togetherness.”                                        Combining the elements of safety, operational and
                                                              commercial excellence, both Brooks and Light showed how
        Seminars covered such topics as Martin Marietta incident
                                                              Martin Marietta is making terrific strides in enhancing the
        investigation protocol and reporting, Occupational Safety
                                                              overall safety and productivity of its sites.

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