Page 50 - 2023 Sustainability Report
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        New Safety Resources to Guide Company Efforts in
        Years Ahead

        In December 2023, the Company debuted new resources   “We would expect any one of these efforts to strengthen
        designed to improve safety across Martin Marietta. Based  our Guardian Angel safety culture,” Hunt said. “Our
        on the work of Martin Marietta’s cross-functional Safety  decision to launch them together should speak volumes
        Task Force and announced by Chair and CEO Ward Nye,   about where we intend to go with safety at Martin
        the resources include a revised edition of Martin Marietta’s  Marietta.
        Basic Safety Rules and a new safety icon focused on
        four potential hazards. A new Wingman Alert process is
        expected to debut in early 2024 to facilitate better incident

        “After several meetings and efforts to solicit feedback from
        our entire employee population, the Safety Task Force
        decided these resources would provide our ONE team
        members with the guidance and focus needed to improve our
        Guardian Angel safety culture,” said Vice President of
        Safety & Health Michael Hunt, a Safety Task Force member.

        Fully revised for the first time in more than five years, the
        Basic Safety Rules booklet includes new or clarified
        guidance on a host of potential safety areas, including
        personal protective equipment (PPE), health and industrial
        hygiene, mobile equipment, fleet safety and underground
        mining. In addition to the updated content, the booklet
        will now be printed as a pocket-sized document that can
        be comfortably stored just about anywhere. The revised
        edition also provides updated guidance on several safety
        matters, including electrical safety, fall protection, plant
        safety, welding and cutting, and fire safety, Hunt said.
        Safety leadership released the revised Basic Safety Rules as
        a digital draft and asked all members of Martin Marietta’s
        team to review them with an eye peeled for changes that
        would make them more understandable. Hunt said the
        final edition would likely publish by spring 2024 with
        teams then working throughout the year to fully adopt the
        updated rules.

        Martin Marietta’s new Guardian Angel Fundamentals icon
        focuses on four hazard types that have the potential to
        result in serious injuries and incidents. The hazards include
        line-of-fire incidents, working at heights, energy control and
        slips, trips and falls. The new icon will be promoted where
        appropriate across Martin Marietta. In the Basic Safety Rules,
        the icon has been added to all rules that pertain to any of
        the four potential hazard areas, Hunt said.

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