Page 37 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 37


        Sustainability Highlights for 2023

                        Safe                                                 Environmental
                        Operations                                           Stewardship

           • Seventh consecutive year of world-class lost time   • Only 17 notices of violation across more than
             incident rate (LTIR) performance                      400 operating locations, which were all generally
           • For the third year in a row achieved a total injury   minor and resulted in less than $1,000 in penalties
             incident rate (TIIR) performance better than the    • Reduced coal in our cement kiln fuel mix from
             world class rate of 0.90                              70 percent to 9 percent of total fuel usage

           • 99.1 percent of our employees worked                • Continued to work toward our Scope 1 carbon
             without a reportable safety incident                  intensity reduction targets for 2030 for our cement

           • MSHA citations per inspection continue to be          and Magnesia Specialties businesses that we believe
             well below industry average                           will continue to position us in the forefront of the
                                                                   U.S. domestic cement industry
           • Continued our monthly Guardian Angel
             E-Newsletter to reinforce key safety messages,      • Continue to make progress toward our Scope 2
             heighten awareness and keep safety in the forefront   CO e 2030 and 2050 goals first reported in our
             during the operating season                           2021 report and Net Zero Ambition for all Scope 1
                                                                   and 2 emissions by 2050
           • Continued our “How Do You Keep Your Zero”
             campaign to drive toward our goal of zero incidents.  • Continued the rollout of Portland Limestone
             The initiative is an extension of our highly successful  Cement (PLC or Type 1L) with more than 90% of
             “Why I Work Safely” and “Why I Want YOU to Work       our Type I/II cement customers converted to PLC and
             Safely” efforts                                       saw a 10.8% reduction in Scope 1 GHG emissions in
                                                                   our heritage cement business
                                                                 • Saw a 8.26% reduction in intensity in our Woodville
                                                                   Magnesia Specialties operations due to kiln

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