Page 36 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 36

Our Sustainability Approach

           Sustainability isn’t just a word at Martin Marietta.  It’s the embodiment of our
           commitments to creating value for all of our stakeholders – including our employees,
           customers, communities, vendors and investors.  Sustainability is a core value at Martin
           Marietta and, both in the quarry and the boardroom, stands at the heart of every

           Company decision. As an organization reliant upon the
           Earth’s natural resources, our sustainability approach
           helps us remember that our purpose is to bring value
           to all Company stakeholders. Our pledge is to protect
           and enhance the environment while creating the
           products that build communities. As an organization

           built upon the strength of its employees, our approach
           also reflects that we care deeply about their safety,
           well-being, and being able to welcome and include a
           diverse workforce.

        Our Stamper Mine
        Kansas City, Missouri

        The four pillars of sustainability are integral to our day-to-day and long-term
        strategies and drive our ability to create value for all our stakeholders:

        Safe Operations             Environmental             Employee Well-Being        Community Well-Being
        Keeping safe all who come                             Encouraging and assisting  Being a responsible
        into contact with our       Remaining cognizant of    our people in their growth  neighbor and caring for
        business by providing the   and responsive to our     and development, while     the communities in which
        environment, resources and  impact on climate, air,   recognizing that employee  we live, work and serve
        knowledge necessary to      water, wildlife and other  engagement is a strength
        always make the prudent     natural resources         that enhances our entire
        decision, and fostering a                             Company
        culture of responsible

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