Page 39 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 39


        Martin Marietta Continues to Focus on
        Sustainability via our SOAR Strategy

        Martin Marietta incorporates sustainability in its long-term strategy, day-to-day operations, and assessment of how well
        the business is performing. We refresh our Strategic Operating Analysis and Review, or SOAR, every five years, and
        include performance objectives relating to our sustainable growth and performance. Execution of our SOAR objectives has
        led to a dynamic 10 years of growth; our most recent SOAR 2025 was presented to our Board of Directors in 2020. We
        have achieved this growth responsibly, with a focus on safety, the environment, our employees, and our communities, as
        well as growth and capital allocation.

                                             Strategic Operating Analysis and Review

             Safe      Environmental    Employee      Community     Platform for  Commercial and     Capital
          Operations    Stewardship    Well-Being     Well-Being      Growth        Operational    Allocation

        2023 was again one of the safest years in our Company’s
        history. Our company-wide total injury incident rate, or  “Our business is guided by its Mission,
        TIIR, and lost-time incident rate, or LTIR, both exceeded  Vision and Values. Its foundation is to
        world-class levels. This means more of our colleagues go  operate Safely, Ethically, Sustainably, and
        home safely at the end of each shift than ever before.  to pursue Operational Excellence. In doing
        Focusing on safety is the right thing to do, and it’s good
                                                               this we focus on our four pillars of Safety,
                                                               Environmental Stewardship, Employee
                                                               Well-Being and Community Well-Being.
        Safety sets the foundation for achieving our long-term
                                                               And we undertake what we view as our
        objectives. Safety is part of our culture, it is part of our
                                                               duties, not just as a building materials
        strategy, it is part of our day-to-day operations, and it is
        part of our performance objectives, as are the other pillars  Company, but as a world-class
        of our Sustainability program.                         organization:
                                                                     Building a better organization
                                                                     Building a more valuable organization”

                                                                 – Ward Nye, Chair and CEO

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