Page 33 - 2023 Sustainability Report
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        moderate temperatures in March and November allow the construction season to start earlier and end later, respectively,
        which could have meaningfully positive impacts on the Company’s first-and fourth-quarter results, respectively. From a
        regulatory standpoint, as noted above, the IIJ Act provides billions of dollars in new funding for roads, bridges and other
        major infrastructure projects which require aggregates and cement for construction. New public transit and clean energy
        projects that address climate change may also result in increased demand for the Company’s products. Other
        opportunities are likely to result from the passing of the $1.2 trillion IIJ Act, the Cornyn-Padilla Amendment that allows
        $104 billion of unused COVID-19 dollars to be directed to infrastructure projects, and $7.0 billion of voter-approved state
        and local transportation-related 2023 ballot initiatives, all of which will fund infrastructure growth, repair and
        development. In addition, the Company’s magnesium hydroxide products are used to increase fuel efficiency in various
        industries, including both coal-and gas-fired electricity generation, which has a direct impact on reducing energy use and
        GHG emissions by more GHG-intense companies. Finally, the desire for sustainable building solutions has led to greater
        recognition of the benefits of concrete construction in the effort to move to a circular economy through innovative
        products, longevity and recyclability, and increased demand for green construction projects would have a direct impact on
        the Company’s cement and concrete business.

        Political Contributions and Lobbying

        At Martin Marietta, we believe our success depends on the ability to integrate important values into our long-term
        corporate strategy. In addition to safety, environmental, employees, communities, and our other important considerations
        that advance our sustainable value, this includes making sure that our political expenditures and advocacy are aligned
        with our core business strategy, goals and values. In particular, we recognize the importance of monitoring our political
        spending and our participation in trade associations, including those that may lobby on climate change-related concerns,
        as well as maintaining our robust governance procedures. Martin Marietta’s policy with regard to political contributions
        and lobbying is that it must be carried out in a lawful and ethical manner that promotes the interests of the Company
        without regard for private political preferences of individual executives, officer or directors. We are committed to
        disclosing political donation and lobbying expenditure information to promote an understanding of the issues that are
        important to Martin Marietta in this regard and the governance we have on these issues. Accordingly, we designed a new
        Political Contributions and Lobbying web page responsive to the CPA-Zicklin scorecard resulting in a 77.1 point increase in
        our CPA-Zicklin scores from a 10.0 in 2022 to an 87.1 in 2023, which is in the index’s top quartile. In addition, the
        Company was recognized as one of CPA-Zicklin’s nine Most Improved Companies This Year.

                                                              Political Contributions
        “At Martin Marietta, we believe our

        success depends on the ability to                     Martin Marietta does not have a Political Action
                                                              Committee and, accordingly, does not make direct
        integrate important values into our
                                                              contributions to political candidates, parties or committees
        long-term corporate strategy. In                      at the federal level. Generally our political contributions are
        addition to safety, environmental,                    relatively small. In 2023, Martin Marietta’s direct political

        employees, communities, and our                       contributions to 527 groups and/or political associations in
                                                              respect of state and local matters totaled $91,900
        other important considerations that
                                                              including the following:
        advance our sustainable value, this
                                                              • Political campaign support  $58,000
        includes making sure that our
                                                              • Infrastructure funding      $25,000
        political expenditures and advocacy
                                                              • Regulatory Reform           $ 8,900
        are aligned with our core business
        strategy, goals and values.”                          Additional information regarding political contributions is
                                                              available on our website.

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