Page 34 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 34

Corporate Governance Matters  /  Corporate Governance Philosophy

          Do the Board Committees have charters? How can         Marietta’s Code of Ethical Business Conduct. Martin Marietta
          shareholders obtain them?                              considers that any transaction in which Martin Marietta
          Martin Marietta’s Board of Directors has adopted written  participates and in which any related person of Martin Marietta
          charters meeting the requirements of the NYSE for the Audit  has a direct or indirect material interest will be subject to review,
          Committee, Management Development and Compensation     approval or ratification, as appropriate under the circumstances,
          Committee, and Nominating and Corporate Governance     by Martin Marietta under the standards enumerated in Martin
          Committee.  These  charters  address  the  purposes  and  Marietta’s Code of Ethical Business Conduct. If a proposed
          responsibilities of each Committee, as described above, and  transaction is one in which a Director of Martin Marietta has an
          provide for an annual performance evaluation of each   actual or potential conflict of interest, it will be subject to review
          Committee. Copies of these charters, and the charters of the  by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chairman of
          other Committees of the Board, are posted on Martin Marietta’s  the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.
          website at
          governance, along with copies of Martin Marietta’s Corporate  Any waivers of the Code of Ethical Business Conduct for
          Governance Guidelines, Code of Ethical Business Conduct, and  Directors and executive officers may be made only by Martin
          Guidelines for Director’s Independence.                Marietta’s Board of Directors or any Committee to which it
                                                                 delegates that authority. Any waivers for Directors and executive
          How are transactions with persons related to Martin    officers and any amendments to the Code of Ethical Business
          Marietta reviewed?                                     Conduct  will  be  promptly  disclosed  on  our  website,
          The SEC requires Martin Marietta to disclose in this proxy
          statement certain transactions in which Martin Marietta
          participates and in which certain persons considered “related  In assessing the independence of its members, the Board
          persons” of Martin Marietta have a direct or indirect material  considers any interests a director may have in any transactions in
          interest. These “related persons” would include the Directors  which Martin Marietta participates. The Board also considers
          and executive officers of Martin Marietta, nominees for Director,  other entities with which the Directors are affiliated and any
          certain control persons, and their immediate family members.  business Martin Marietta has done with such entities.
          Since January 1, 2019, there have been no such transactions.

          Each Director, executive officer, and nominee for Director of
          Martin Marietta receives and agrees to abide by Martin

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