Page 31 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 31

Corporate Governance Philosophy  /  Corporate Governance Matters

          Who are Martin Marietta’s Independent Directors?       combined Chairman and CEO position while at the same time
          All of Martin Marietta’s Directors are non-employee Directors  providing an active role and voice for the independent directors
          except Mr. Nye. Mr. Nye neither sits in the executive sessions of  through the Lead Independent Director.
          the independent Directors (unless invited to attend for a specific
                                                                      REASONS FOR COMBINED CHAIR AND CEO
          discussion) nor does he participate in any action of the Board
          relating to any executive compensation which he may receive.  Key highlights:
                                                                  •  The independent Board members believe that Mr. Nye
          In assessing the independence of its members and nominees,
                                                                     has extensive experience in all facets of the construction
          the Board has adopted for Martin Marietta a set of Guidelines
                                                                     materials industry, in both the U.S. and with global
          for Director’s Independence (Guidelines). The Guidelines are
          posted and available for public viewing on Martin Marietta’s
                                                                  •  Mr. Nye has been effective in creating shareholder value
          website at
                                                                     through strategic acquisitions and divestitures, with
          These Guidelines reflect the rules of the NYSE, applicable
                                                                     achievement of expected synergies.
          requirements of the SEC, and other standards determined by the
          Board to be important in assessing the independence of Board  •  Mr. Nye has in-depth knowledge of safety, operational,
          members. The Board has determined that, other than Mr. Nye,  environmental, and regulatory considerations that
          all members of the Board and Mr. Wajsgras are “independent”  impact the business and oversight of management.
          under these Guidelines, resulting in 90% of the Board being  •  Mr. Nye has demonstrated his leadership and vision to
          independent. The Board of Directors has determined that no  guide the Board in its oversight of management with
          Director (except Mr. Nye), or nominee, or any person or    the development of two five-year strategic plans, with
          organization with which the Director or nominee has any    the current Strategic Operating Analysis and Review
          affiliation, has a relationship with Martin Marietta that may  (SOAR 2020) discussed with and approved by the Board
          interfere with his or her independence from Martin Marietta and  in August 2015.
          its management. In making this “independence” determination,
                                                                  •  Mr. Nye has engaged in an active investor relations
          the Board considered other entities with which the Directors and
                                                                     program, including the Company’s Investor Day
          Mr. Wajsgras were affiliated and any business Martin Marietta
                                                                     presentations, and leads the Board in understanding the
          had done with such entities.
                                                                     perspective of the Company’s shareholders.
          Do the independent Directors ever meet without          •  Mr. Nye is the only member of management who sits on
          management?                                                the Board.
          Martin Marietta’s Corporate Governance Guidelines adopted by  •  Strong independent directors comprise 90% of the
          the Board provide that at least two Board meetings each year  current Board, and open communications exist between
          will include an executive session of the non-employee Directors  Mr. Nye and the independent directors.
          to discuss such topics as they may choose, including a discussion
          of the performance of Martin Marietta’s Chairman and Chief
                                                                 As a result of Mr. Nye’s tenure at Martin Marietta and strong
          Executive Officer. In 2019, Martin Marietta’s independent
                                                                 performance as a leader since his election as CEO, the Board
          Directors met at each regularly scheduled Board meeting,
                                                                 believes he is uniquely qualified through his experience,
          consisting  of  four  times  in  executive  session  without
                                                                 education and expertise to be the person who promotes strong
          management, in addition to executive sessions held by
                                                                 and visionary leadership for our Board as well as important
          Committees of the Board. In 2019, all the independent Directors
                                                                 recognition as the leader of Martin Marietta by our customers,
          were non-employees.
                                                                 employees and other constituencies. The Board also believes that
                                                                 Mr. Nye’s serving as both Chairman and CEO is appropriate
          What is the Board’s leadership structure?
                                                                 taking into consideration the size and nature of our business,
          Our Corporate Governance Guidelines provide that the Board’s
                                                                 Mr. Nye’s effective and careful formulation and execution of our
          policy as to whether the Chairman and CEO positions should be
                                                                 strategic plan, his established working relationship and open
          separate is to adopt the practice that best serves the Company’s
                                                                 communication with our other Directors, both during meetings
          needs at any particular time. The Nominating and Corporate
                                                                 and in the intervals between meetings, the significant board-
          Governance Committee and the Board discussed board
                                                                 level experience of our independent Directors as a whole, the
          leadership alternatives in connection with combining the
                                                                 strong  independent  leadership  and  accountability  to
          Chairman and CEO roles.
                                                                 shareholders provided by 90% of our Directors being
          The Board believes that, at the present time, the Company is  independent, the independent leadership provided by our
          best served by allocating governance responsibilities between a  Committee chairs, and our Board culture in which Mr. Nye and
          combined Chairman and CEO and a Lead Independent Director  the other Directors are able to thoughtfully debate different
          with robust responsibilities. This structure allows the Company  points of view and reach consensus in an efficient manner.
          to present a single face to our constituencies through the
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