Page 33 - Proxy Statement - 2020
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Corporate Governance Philosophy  /  Corporate Governance Matters

          How would interested parties make their concerns known  a Director at an Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Martin
          to the independent Directors?                          Marietta, if the shareholder making such recommendation
          The Board of Directors provides a process for shareholders and  complies with the advance notice provisions and other criteria
          other interested parties to send communications to the Board.  specified in the Bylaws of Martin Marietta. The Bylaws of Martin
          Shareholders and other interested parties may communicate  Marietta require advance notice for any proposal for the
          anonymously and confidentially with the Board through Martin  nomination for election as a Director at an Annual Meeting of
          Marietta’s Ethics Hotline at +1 (800) 209-4508. The Board has  Shareholders that is not included in Martin Marietta’s notice of
          also  designated  the  Corporate  Secretary  to  facilitate  meeting or made by or at the direction of the Board of Directors.
          communications to the Board. Shareholders and other interested  In general, nominations must be delivered to the Secretary of
          parties may communicate directly with the Board of Directors, or  Martin Marietta at its principal executive offices, 2710 Wycliff
          directly with the independent Directors, or an individual Director,  Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607, not less than 60 days nor
          including the Lead Independent Director, by writing to Martin  more than 90 days prior to the first anniversary of the mailing of
          Marietta, Attn: Corporate Secretary, 2710 Wycliff Road, Raleigh,  the proxy statement in connection with the preceding year’s
          North Carolina 27607-3033.                             Annual Meeting of Shareholders and must contain specified
                                                                 information concerning the nominee and the shareholder
          All communications by shareholders or other interested parties  proposing the nomination. Any shareholder desiring a copy of
          addressed to the Board will be sent directly to Board members.  the Bylaws of Martin Marietta will be furnished a copy without
          While Martin Marietta’s Ethics Office and the Corporate  charge upon written request to the Secretary of Martin Marietta.
          Secretary  may  review,  sort,  and  summarize  these  Since the 2019 Annual Meeting, Martin Marietta has not made
          communications, all direct communications will be presented to  any material changes to the procedures by which shareholders
          the independent Directors unless there is instruction from them  may recommend nominees to Martin Marietta’s Board of
          to filter such communications (and in such event, any  Directors. Additional information is contained in the section
          communication that has been filtered out will be made available  entitled Shareholders’ Proposals For 2021 Annual Meeting
          to any independent Director who wishes to review it).  below.

          Martin Marietta and its Board of Directors will continue to  How does the Board select nominees for the Board?
          review and evaluate the process by which shareholders or other  The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will
          interested persons communicate with Martin Marietta and the  consider candidates for Board membership suggested by its
          Board and may adopt other or further processes and procedures  members and other Board members, as well as management
          in this regard. If so, Martin Marietta will identify those policies  and shareholders. The Committee may also retain a third-party
          and procedures on our website at  executive search firm to identify potential candidates for its
                                                                 consideration from time to time. The Committee makes an initial
          How often did the Board meet during 2019?
                                                                 determination as to whether to conduct a full evaluation of the
          Martin Marietta’s Board of Directors held four regularly scheduled
                                                                 candidate, and reviews all information provided to the
          meetings during 2019. There were also a total of 24 Committee
                                                                 Committee, including the recommendations for the prospective
          meetings in 2019. In addition, management confers frequently
                                                                 candidate and the Committee’s own knowledge of the
          with its Directors on an informal basis to discuss Company affairs.
                                                                 prospective candidate. If the Committee determines that
                                                                 additional consideration is warranted, interviews are conducted
          How many times did Directors attend meetings of the
                                                                 by the members of the Committee, as well as the Chief
          Board and its Committees?
                                                                 Executive Officer of Martin Marietta; appropriate inquiries are
          In 2019, all Directors attended 100% of the meetings of the Board
                                                                 conducted into the background and qualifications of potential
          of Directors during their term of service on the Board. All Directors
                                                                 candidates; the Committee meets to discuss its evaluation and
          attended 100% of the meetings of the Committees of the Board
                                                                 feedback from the Chief Executive Officer; and, if the
          on which they served (during the periods that they served).
                                                                 Committee determines to do so, it makes a recommendation to
                                                                 the full Board as to the persons who should be nominated by
          Will the Directors attend the Annual Meeting?
                                                                 the Board. The Board of Directors determines the nominees after
          Martin Marietta’s Directors are expected to attend Martin
                                                                 considering the recommendation and report of the Committee.
          Marietta’s Annual Meeting of Shareholders although frequently
          no Shareholders other than Directors and Officers attend these
                                                                 In evaluating any potential candidate, the Nominating and
          meetings. In 2019, all then-current Directors attended the
                                                                 Corporate Governance Committee considers the extent to which
          Annual Meeting in May.
                                                                 the candidate has the personal characteristics and core
                                                                 competencies outlined in the Guidelines for Potential New Board
          Will the Nominating and Corporate Governance
                                                                 Members adopted by the Committee, and takes into account all
          Committee consider any Director candidates
                                                                 other factors it considers appropriate. A copy of these Guidelines
          recommended by shareholders?
                                                                 is attached to this proxy statement as Appendix A.
          The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee will
          consider nominees recommended by shareholders for election as
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