Page 44 - 2019 Annual Report
P. 44


           Note M: Leases
           The  Company  has  leases,  primarily  for  equipment,  railcars,  fleet  vehicles,  office  space,  land  and  information  technology
           equipment and software. The Company’s leases have remaining lease terms of one year to 53 years, some of which may include
           options  to  extend  the  leases  for  up  to  30  years,  and  some  of  which may  include  options  to  terminate  the  leases  within
           one year.

           Certain of the Company’s lease agreements include payments based upon variable rates, including, but not limited, to hours
           used, tonnage processed and factors related to indices. The Company’s lease agreements do not contain any material residual
           value guarantees or material restrictive covenants.
           The components of lease cost are as follows:

            year ended December 31
            (in millions)                                                                            2019
            Operating lease cost                                                                $            80.9
            Finance lease cost:
               Amortization of right‐of‐use assets                                                            3.4
               Interest on lease liabilities                                                                  0.5
            Variable lease cost                                                                              21.1
            Short‐term lease cost                                                                            33.0
            Total lease cost                                                                    $           138.9

           The Company has royalty agreements that are prescriptively excluded from the scope of ASC 842 and generally require royalty
           payments based on tons produced, tons sold or total sales dollars and also contain minimum payments. Royalty expense was
           $58.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2019.
           The balance sheet classifications of operating and finance leases are as follows:

            December 31
            (in millions)                                                                            2019
            Operating Leases:
              Operating lease right‐of‐use assets                                               $           481.9

              Current operating lease liabilities                                               $            52.7
              Noncurrent operating lease liabilities                                                        433.9
            Total operating lease liabilities                                                   $           486.6

            Finance Leases:
              Property, plant and equipment                                                     $            18.3
              Accumulated depreciation                                                                       (3.1 )
            Property, plant and equipment, net                                                  $            15.2

              Other current liabilities                                                         $             2.8
              Other noncurrent liabilities                                                                    5.9
            Total finance lease liabilities                                                     $             8.7

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