Page 14 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 14

/  The Board of Directors

          Once the Committee has identified a prospective nominee, it  •  the  extent  to  which  the  prospective  nominee
          makes an initial determination as to whether to conduct a full  contributes to the range of talent, skill and expertise
          evaluation. In making this determination, the Committee takes  appropriate for the Board; and
          into account various information, including information provided
                                                                     •  the extent to which the prospective nominee helps the
          at the time of the candidate recommendation, the Committee’s
                                                                        Board  reflect  the  diversity  of  the  Company’s
          own knowledge, and information obtained through inquiries to
                                                                        shareholders,  employees,  customers  and  the
          third parties to the extent the Committee deems appropriate.
                                                                        communities in which it operates.
          The preliminary determination is based primarily on the need for
          additional Board members and the likelihood that the
                                                                 If the Committee decides, on the basis of its preliminary review,
          prospective nominee can satisfy the criteria that the Committee
                                                                 to proceed with further consideration, members of the
          has established. If the Committee determines, in consultation
                                                                 Committee, the Chairman, President and CEO, as well as other
          with the Chairman, President and CEO and other Directors as
                                                                 members of the Board as appropriate, interview the nominee.
          appropriate, that additional consideration is warranted, it may
                                                                 After completing this evaluation and interview, the Committee
          request management or a third-party search firm to gather
                                                                 makes a recommendation to the full Board, which makes the
          additional  information  about  the  prospective  nominee’s
                                                                 final determination whether to nominate or appoint the new
          background and experience and to report its findings to the
                                                                 Director  after  considering  the  Committee’s  report.  A
          Committee. The Committee then evaluates the prospective
                                                                 background check is completed before a final recommendation
          nominee against the specific criteria that it has established for
                                                                 is made to the Board to appoint a candidate to the Board.
          the position, as well as the standards and qualifications set out
          in the Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines, including:
                                                                 In selecting nominees for the Board, the Board seeks to achieve
               •  the ability of the prospective nominee to represent the  a mix of members who together bring experience and personal
                 interests of the shareholders of the Company;   backgrounds relevant to the Company’s strategic priorities and
                                                                 the scope and complexity of the Company’s business. The Board
               •  the prospective nominee’s standards of integrity,
                                                                 also seeks a demonstrated ability to manage complex issues that
                 commitment and independence of thought and
                                                                 involve a balance of risk and reward. The background
                                                                 information on current nominees beginning on page 17 and the
               •  the prospective nominee’s ability to dedicate sufficient  skills matrix on page 11 set out how each of the current
                 time, energy and attention to the diligent performance  nominees contributes to the mix of experience and qualifications
                 of his or her duties, including the prospective  the Board seeks. In making its recommendations with respect to
                 nominee’s service on other public company boards, as  the nomination for re-election of existing Directors at the annual
                 specifically set out in the Company’s Corporate  shareholders meeting, the Committee assesses the composition
                 Governance Guidelines;                          of the Board at the time and considers the extent to which the
                                                                 Board continues to reflect the criteria set forth above.

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