Page 16 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 16

/  The Board of Directors

          Board Refreshment Elements

           Review of Board Candidates  The Board seeks a diverse group of candidates who, at a minimum, possess the background, skills, expertise and
                                   time to make a significant contribution to the Board, the Company and its shareholders. The Corporate
                                   Governance Guidelines list criteria against which candidates may be judged. In addition, the Nominating and
                                   Corporate Governance Committee considers, among other things:
                                    •  input from the Board’s self-assessment process to prioritize areas of expertise that were identified;
                                    •  investor feedback and perceptions;
                                    •  the candidates’ skills and competencies to ensure they are aligned with the Company’s future strategic
                                      challenges and opportunities; and
                                    •  the needs of the Board in light of recent and anticipated Board vacancies.
                                   During the process of identifying and selecting director nominees, the Nominating and Corporate Governance
                                   Committee screens and recommends candidates for nomination by the full Board. The Bylaws provide that the size
                                   of the Board may range from 9 to 11 members.
                                   Director candidates also may be identified by shareholders and will be evaluated under the same criteria applied to
                                   other director nominees and considered by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. Information
                                   on the process and requirements for shareholder nominees may be found in our Bylaws on the Corporation’s
                                   website at
           Board Assignments       In February, the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee reviews the membership, tenure, leadership
                                   and commitments of each of the Committees and considers possible changes given the qualifications and skill sets
                                   of members on the Board or a desire for committee rotation or refreshment. The Nominating and Corporate
                                   Governance Committee also takes into consideration the membership requirements and responsibilities set forth
                                   in each of the respective Committee charters and the Corporate Governance Guidelines as well as any upcoming
                                   vacancies on the Board due to our mandatory retirement age. The Nominating and Corporate Governance
                                   Committee recommends to the Board any proposed changes to Committee assignments and leadership to be
                                   made effective at the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders. The Nominating and Corporate Governance
                                   Committee also reviews the operation of the Board generally.
           Refreshment             The Board has added six new directors in the past four years. Mr. Zelnak will retire at the 2020 Annual Meeting,
                                   with Mr. Wajsgras being nominated to succeed him and further refreshing the Board. At the same time, obtaining
                                   a detailed understanding of the Corporation’s business takes time. We believe that implementing term limitations
                                   may prevent the Board from taking advantage of insight that longer tenure brings.
           Annual Performance      The Board conducts a self-assessment of its performance and effectiveness as well as that of its Committees on an
           Assessment              annual basis. The self-assessment helps the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee track progress in
                                   certain areas targeted for improvement from year-to-year and to identify ways to enhance the Board’s and its
                                   Committees’ effectiveness. For 2019, each director completed a written questionnaire. The questions were open-
                                   ended to solicit candid feedback. The collective ratings and comments are compiled and summarized and then
                                   discussed by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and the full Board.
           Onboarding and          New directors are provided with an orientation about the Company, including our business operations, strategy
           Continuing Education    and governance. Directors also are provided continuing education by subject matter experts and/or continuing
                                   education programs sponsored by educational and other institutions to assist them in staying abreast of
                                   developments in corporate governance and critical issues relating to the operation of public company boards.
                                   Members of our senior management regularly review with the Board the operating plan of each of our business
                                   segments and the Company as a whole. The Board also conducts periodic visits to our facilities as part of its
                                   regularly scheduled Board meetings.

          Tenure Guidelines

           Mandatory Retirement Age  Directors must retire at the annual meeting following his or her 75th birthday.
           Employment Change       Directors must report to the Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Nominating and Corporate Governance
                                   Committee regarding any significant change in principal employment or responsibilities to assure he/she can
                                   commit the appropriate time to Board service.

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