Page 13 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 13

The Board of Directors

          The Board of Directors currently consists of ten members, nine  The Board has nominated ten persons for election as Directors to
          of whom are non-employee Directors. Under our Bylaws,  serve a one-year term expiring in 2021. Unless otherwise
          nominations of persons for election to the Board may be made  directed, proxies will be voted in favor of these nominees. Each
          at an Annual Meeting of Shareholders by the Board and by any  nominee has agreed to serve if elected. Each of the nominees,
          shareholder who complies with the notice procedures set forth  other than Mr. Wajsgras, is currently serving as a Director.
          in the Bylaws. As described in the proxy statement for our 2019  Should any nominee become unable to serve as a Director, the
          Annual Meeting, for a nomination to be properly made by a  persons named in the enclosed form of proxy will, unless
          shareholder at the 2020 Annual Meeting, the shareholder’s  otherwise directed, vote for the election of such other person for
          notice must have been sent to, and received by, our Secretary at  such position as the present Board of Directors may recommend
          our principal executive offices between January 11, 2020 and  in place of such nominee. Proxies cannot be voted for a greater
          February 10, 2020. No such notice was received during this  number of persons than the number of nominees named.
          period.                                                Should any of the following nominees be unavailable for
                                                                 election by reason of death or other unexpected occurrence, the
          The Bylaws of the Corporation provide that a Director will retire  proxy, to the extent permitted by applicable law, may be voted
          at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders following the Director’s  with discretionary authority in connection with the nomination
          75th birthday. One of our current Directors, Stephen P. Zelnak,  by the Board and the election of any substitute nominee.
          Jr., reached this mandatory retirement age this year and is not
          eligible for election at the Annual Meeting for a new term.
                                                                 BOARD EFFECTIVENESS AND REFRESHMENT
          Mr. Zelnak has stated that he intends to serve as a Director
          through the commencement of the 2020 Annual Meeting of
                                                                 Board composition is one of the most critical areas of focus for
          Shareholders, after which he will retire from the Board. The
                                                                 the Board of Directors. Having the right mix of people who bring
          Board extends its sincere appreciation to Mr. Zelnak for his years
                                                                 diverse perspectives, business and professional experiences, and
          of service and thoughtful Board leadership. Mr. Zelnak gave
                                                                 skills provides a foundation for robust dialogue, informed advice
          generously of his time and consistently provided the Board with
                                                                 and collaboration in the boardroom. The Nominating and
          independent insight and advice, which have been invaluable to
                                                                 Corporate Governance Committee develops criteria for open
          the Board and to Martin Marietta.
                                                                 Board positions, taking into account a variety of factors, which
                                                                 may include current Board member skills, composition, age,
          The Board has nominated Thomas H. Pike and David C. Wajsgras
                                                                 tenure, other diversity factors, the range of talents and
          to stand for election by shareholders at the 2020 Annual
                                                                 experience  that  would  best  complement  those  already
          Meeting. Mr. Pike was first elected as a Director by the Board in
                                                                 represented on the Board, the need for specialized expertise,
          July 2019 and Mr. Wajsgras is being nominated to fill the
                                                                 and anticipated retirements to define gaps that may need to be
          vacancy resulting from Mr. Zelnak’s retirement. Both Mr. Pike
                                                                 filled through the board refreshment process. The Board strives
          and Mr. Wajsgras were initially identified by the Chairman,
                                                                 to ensure an environment that encourages diverse critical
          President and CEO and were recommended as a director
                                                                 thinking and values innovative, strategic discussions to achieve a
          nominee by the Nominating and Corporate Governance
                                                                 higher level of success for the Company.
          Committee.  The Nominating and Corporate Governance
          Committee from time to time retains a search firm to help
                                                                 The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee screens
          identify director prospects, perform candidate outreach, assist in
                                                                 and recommends candidates for nomination by the full Board. It
          reference checks, and provide other related services. The
                                                                 uses a variety of methods to help identify potential Board
          recruiting process typically involves either the Chairman,
                                                                 candidates with the desired skills and background needed for
          President and CEO, the search firm or a member of the
                                                                 the Company’s business, including from time to time informal
          Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee contacting a
                                                                 networks, third party search firms and other channels. When the
          prospect to gauge his or her interest and availability. A
                                                                 Committee is assisted from time to time with its recruitment
          candidate will then meet with several members of the
                                                                 efforts by an outside search firm, the firm recommends
          Nominating  and  Corporate  Governance  Committee  and
                                                                 candidates that satisfy the criteria defined by the Board, and
          sometimes the Board. At the same time, the Nominating and
                                                                 provides background research and pertinent information
          Corporate Governance Committee and the search firm will
                                                                 regarding prospective candidates.
          contact references for the prospect. A background check is
          completed before a final recommendation is made to the Board
          to appoint a candidate to the Board.
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