Page 35 - 2021 Sustainability Report
P. 35
“In 2020, our safety professionals and others made a Diana Light, along with her children, Brayden and Lexi,
concerted effort to encourage our people to be active in submitted two letters to the Why I Want YOU to Work
our Guardian Angel safety culture. That effort continued in Safely campaign. The letters — one from Diana and the
2021,” said Vice President of Safety and Health Michael other from the children — urge their loved one, Southwest
Hunt. “When we launched Why I Want YOU to Work Division President Kirk Light, to avoid potential incidents by
Safely, our aim was to engage our employees’ families. focusing on the work at hand.
This provided our people with additional reasons for safe
work, but with a different voice and from a different “I am so proud of you and your commitment to the Martin
perspective.” Marietta Wingman culture, and I love that our family is
committed as well,” writes Diana. “I want you to work
Hunt said an additional goal of the Why I Want YOU to safely every day, so we can enjoy many happy days
Work Safely campaign was to spur at-home, family-based together and so that we can teach our children the
safety discussions between family members to ensure importance of safety in every part of our lives.”
safety becomes as much a family value as it is a company