Page 80 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 80

Appendix B  /  Non-GAAP Measures

          The leverage ratio is our consolidated debt to consolidated EBITDA for the trailing twelve months as defined by the Company’s credit
          agreement. The following is the calculation of the leverage ratio as of December 31, 2019:
           (dollars in millions)
           Net Earnings Attributable to Martin Marietta                                                  $ 611.9
           Add back:

              Interest expense                                                                              129.3
              Income tax expense                                                                            136.3
              Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense and nonconsolidated equity affiliate adjustment  383.4
              Stock-based compensation expense                                                               34.1
              Interest income                                                                                (0.4)
           Consolidated EBITDA, as defined by the Company’s Credit Agreement                             $1,294.6

           Consolidated debt, as defined and including debt for which the Company is a co-borrower, at December 31, 2019  $2,793.8
           Consolidated debt-to-consolidated EBITDA, as defined by the Company’s Credit Agreement, at December 31, 2019 for
           trailing-twelve month EBITDA                                                                      2.2x

      B-2  2020 PROXY STATEMENT
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81