Page 78 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 78

Appendix A

                                                  MARTIN MARIETTA

          Preamble: The following considerations are one of the tools used  6. Candidates who would serve on Martin Marietta’s Audit
          to assist the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee  Committee,  Nominating  and  Corporate  Governance
          in the exercise of its responsibility to evaluate the suitability of  Committee,  or  Management  Development  and
          new potential candidates for the Board of Directors, consistent  Compensation Committee should be “independent” as
          with any criteria set out in Martin Marietta’s Corporate  defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the
          Governance Guidelines. In evaluating a new potential candidate  New York Stock Exchange and Martin Marietta’s Corporate
          who is not an employee or former employee of Martin Marietta,  Governance Guidelines.
          the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee would
                                                                  7. Given the nature of Board governance, the background and
          take into consideration the extent to which the candidate has
                                                                    expertise of candidates should reflect the skill needs of the
          the personal characteristics and core competencies outlined in
                                                                    Board and Martin Marietta. With the Securities and
          one or more of the guidelines set out below, and would take
                                                                    Exchange Commission requirements with respect to audit
          into account all other factors it considers appropriate, including
                                                                    committees and the financial nature of much of what the
          the overall composition of the Board. These guidelines are in
                                                                    Board is responsible for, a significant number of Board
          addition to and are not intended to change or interpret any law
                                                                    members need to have strong financial knowledge.
          or regulation, or Martin Marietta’s Articles of Incorporation or
          Bylaws. The guidelines are subject to modification from time to  8. Candidates should have significant professional experience
          time by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.  to make a significant contribution to the Board such that
                                                                    the overall composition of the Board includes expertise in
          1.  Candidates should have a long-term history of the highest
                                                                    the following areas: audit committee financial experts,
              integrity and should ascribe fully to the ethics program of
                                                                    legal, human resources, business strategy, marketing, the
              Martin Marietta.
                                                                    primary businesses in which Martin Marietta operates, and
          2.  Candidates should be experienced, seasoned and have   other areas of importance to Martin Marietta.
              mature business judgment. It would be desirable if they are
                                                                  9. Public company experience is highly desirable.
              still active in their careers.
                                                                 10. Candidates from education or nonprofit organizations will
          3.  Consideration should be given to matching the geographic
                                                                    be considered where there is a specific priority need
              base of the candidate with the geographic coverage of
                                                                    identified by the Board and where such a candidate can add
              Martin Marietta.
          4.  Consideration should be given to diversity on the Board.
                                                                 11. Board candidates ideally would serve on no more than three
              Such diversity may include type of experience, education,
                                                                    for-profit boards inclusive of Martin Marietta Materials to
              skill sets, ethnic origin, gender and other items that will
                                                                    assure adequate time to discharge the duties of a Board
              enable the Board to have a broad knowledge base and
              diverse viewpoints.
          5.  Generally, candidates should not come from firms or
              companies that are significant sellers or buyers of goods
              and services to or from Martin Marietta.

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