Page 77 - Proxy Statement - 2020
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Annual Meeting and Voting Information  /

          Where can I find out more information about Martin     Who is paying for this proxy statement?
          Marietta?                                              The entire cost of preparing, assembling, printing, and mailing the
          We maintain a website at where you  Notice of Meeting, this proxy statement, and proxies, and the cost of
          can find additional information about Martin Marietta. Visitors  soliciting proxies relating to the meeting, if any, has been or will be
          to the website can view and print copies of Martin Marietta’s  paid by Martin Marietta. In addition to use of the mail, proxies may
          SEC filings, including periodic and current reports on Forms  be solicited by Directors, officers, and other regular employees of
          10-K, 10-Q and 8-K, as soon as reasonably practicable after  Martin Marietta by telephone, facsimile, or personal solicitation, and
          those filings are made with the SEC. Copies of the charters for  no additional compensation will be paid to such individuals. Martin
          each of our Audit Committee, Management Development and  Marietta will use the services of Morrow Sodali LLC, 470 West
          Compensation Committee, and Nominating and Corporate   Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902, a professional soliciting organization,
          Governance Committee, Corporate Governance Guidelines,as  to assist in obtaining in person or by proxy shareholder votes. Martin
          well as our Code of Ethical Business Conduct are all available  Marietta estimates its expenses for solicitation services will not
          through the website. Alternatively, our shareholders and  exceed $10,000. Martin Marietta will, if requested, reimburse banks,
          other interested parties may obtain, without charge,   brokerage houses and other custodians, nominees and certain
          copies of all of these documents by writing to the     fiduciaries for their reasonable expenses incurred in mailing proxy
          Corporate Secretary, Martin Marietta, 2710 Wycliff Road,  materials to their principals.
          Raleigh, NC 27607. Please note that the information contained
          on Martin Marietta’s website is not incorporated by reference in,
          or considered to be a part of, this document.

                                   Incorporation by Reference

          The Audit Committee Report beginning on page 32 and the  Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or
          Management Development and Compensation Committee      subject to Regulation 14A or to the liabilities of Section 18 of the
          Report beginning on page 33 do not constitute soliciting  Exchange Act, except to the extent that Martin Marietta specifically
          material and should not be deemed filed or incorporated by  requests that the information be treated as soliciting material or
          reference into any other filing by Martin Marietta under the  specifically incorporates such information by reference.

           Shareholders’ Proposals for 2021 Annual Meeting

          Proposals by shareholders intended to be presented at the 2021  with respect to the submission of any other shareholder
          Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Martin Marietta must be  proposal nor shall it obligate Martin Marietta to waive these
          received by the Secretary of Martin Marietta no later than  requirements with respect to future submissions of the
          December 18, 2020 in order to be included in the proxy  shareholder proposal or any other shareholder proposal. Our
          statement and on the proxy card that will be solicited by the  Bylaws provide a proxy access right to permit a shareholder, or a
          Board of Directors in connection with that meeting. The  group of up to 20 shareholders, owning at least 3% of our
          inclusion of any proposal will be subject to applicable rules of  outstanding common stock continuously for at least three years,
          the SEC. In addition, the Bylaws of Martin Marietta establish an  to nominate and include in our proxy materials director
          advance notice requirement for any proposal of business to be  nominees constituting up to 25% of the Board of Directors or
          considered at an Annual Meeting, including the nomination of  two Directors, whichever is greater, provided that the
          any person for election as Director. In general, written notice  shareholder(s) and the nominee(s) satisfy the requirements
          must be received by the Secretary of Martin Marietta at its  specified in our Bylaws. Under our Bylaws, compliant notice of
          principal executive office, 2710 Wycliff Road, Raleigh, North  proxy access Director nominations for the 2020 Annual Meeting
          Carolina 27607, not less than 60 days nor more than 90 days  must  be  submitted  to  the  Secretary  no  earlier  than
          prior to the first anniversary of the mailing of the preceding  November 17, 2020 and no later than December 17, 2020. The
          year’s proxy statement in connection with the Annual Meeting  notice must contain the information required by the Bylaws. Any
          and must contain specified information concerning the matter to  shareholder desiring a copy of the Bylaws of Martin Marietta will
          be brought before such meeting and concerning the shareholder  be furnished one without charge upon written request to the
          proposing such a matter. Accordingly, to be considered at the  Secretary of Martin Marietta at its principal executive office,
          2021 Annual Meeting, proposals must be received by the  2710 Wycliff Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607.
          Secretary of Martin Marietta no earlier than January 16, 2021
          and no later than February 15, 2021. Any waiver by Martin
          Marietta of these requirements with respect to the submission of  MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS, INC.
          a particular shareholder proposal shall not constitute a waiver  April 16, 2020

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