Page 18 - Martin Marietta - 2021 Proxy Statement
P. 18


          Board, Committee and Individual Director Evaluations
          As a part of our continuous improvement process intended to enhance the Board’s overall effectiveness, the Board regularly
          evaluates its performance through self-assessments, corporate governance reviews and periodic charter reviews. Those
          evaluations, changes in our business strategy or operating environment, and the future needs of the Board in light of anticipated
          director retirements are used to identify desired backgrounds and skill sets for future Board members. The feedback solicited
          from Board members regarding the Board, each Committee on which they serve, and individual Board members is one of the
          tools used to assist the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee in its responsibility to evaluate Board and Committee
          performance annually.

                                            BOARD, COMMITTEE AND INDIVIDUAL
                                                PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENTS
                                        The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee (Committee)
                                        reviews the director and officer questionnaire and performance
                                        assessment process to determine if they are effective and whether
                                        any changes are appropriate. Each director annually completes a
                                        questionnaire assessing the Board, Committees on which she/he
                                        serves, and each director for review by the Chair of the Committee.
                                        One-on-One Discussions
                                        The Chair of the Committee follows up with each director who
                                        submits comments, suggestions or other feedback for a candid
                                        Closed Session
                                        The Chair of the Committee discusses the results and feedback
                                        on an unattributed basis with the Committee.
                                        Board Summary
                                        The results are discussed with a session of each of the
                                        independent Board members, with the Chairman of the Board,
                                        and with each Committee Chair.
                                        Policies and practices are updated as appropriate as a result of the

          Board Committees
          Martin Marietta’s Board of Directors has six standing Committees: the Audit Committee; the Ethics, Environment, Safety
          and Health Committee; the Executive Committee; the Finance Committee; the Management Development and
          Compensation Committee; and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. Each Committee has a written
          charter that describes its purposes, membership, meeting structure, authority and responsibilities. These charters are
          reviewed by the respective Committee on an annual basis with any recommended changes adopted upon approval by our
          Board. The charters of our six standing Committees are posted on our website.

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