Page 23 - Martin Marietta - 2021 Proxy Statement
P. 23

Proposal 1: Election of Directors

          The following sets forth the age, experience, key attributes and other biographical information for each nominee for
          election as a director for a one-year term until the 2022 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

                                 Ms. Ables joined the Martin Marietta Board in November 2018.  Key attributes,
                                 Ms. Ables held a number of executive positions with Spectra Energy  experience and skills:
                                 and predecessor companies, including serving from 2008 to 2017 as
                                 the Chief Administrative Officer of Spectra Energy Corp. where she  • More than nine years of C-Suite
                                 was responsible for human resources, information technology,  experience
                                 support services, community relations and audit services. Prior to that,  • Financial expertise acquired
                                 she served as Vice President of Audit Services and Chief Ethics and  through serving as CFO of Duke
                                 Compliance Officer for Spectra Energy, Vice President and Chief  Energy Gas Transmission and as
                                 Compliance Officer for Duke Energy Corporation, an American  Vice President of Audit Services
                                 electric power holding company, and Senior Vice President and Chief  and Chief Compliance Officer of
                                 Financial Officer for Duke Energy Gas Transmission. Spectra Energy  Spectra Energy Corp. and Duke
          DOROTHY M.             was a Fortune 500 Company and one of North America’s leading  Energy Corporation
                                 pipeline and midstream companies prior to its acquisition by Enbridge
          ABLES                  Inc. in 2017. (NYSE: ENB) Ms. Ables started her career in the audit  • Valuable business leadership in
                                                                                          human resources, information
                                 department of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. Ms. Ables serves as an
          Director Since: 2018                                                            technology, community relations,
          Age: 63                Independent Director of Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, (NYSE: COG)  finance and financial statements
                                 an independent oil and gas company, where she is Chair of the audit
          Committees:            committee and a member of the compensation committee. She  • Strong leadership skills and
                                 served as a Director of Spectra Energy Partners, an affiliate of Spectra  familiarity with Texas, an
                                 Energy Corp., from 2013 to 2017. Ms. Ables attended the University  important state for the Company
                                 of Texas at Austin where she earned a Bachelor of Business
                                 Administration degree in Accounting.

                                 Ms. Cole is the managing partner of SAGE Leadership & Strategy,  Key attributes,
                                 LLC, an advisory firm for businesses, organizations and individuals  experience and skills:
                                 relating to strategy, governance and leadership development.
                                 Ms. Cole was previously a principal of Granville Capital Inc., a  • Valuable experience in executive
                                 registered investment advisory firm, from 2006 to 2011, and before  compensation, corporate
                                 that she was the Regional CEO, Mid-Atlantic Region, of U.S. Trust  governance, human resources,
                                 Company, N.A., where she was responsible for the overall strategic  finance and financial statements,
                                 direction, growth, and leadership of its North Carolina, Philadelphia  and customer service
                                 and Washington, D.C. offices. Ms. Cole previously held various  • Chief executive officer of several
                                 positions in the U.S. Trust Company, N.A. and its predecessors.  financial services businesses as
                                 Ms. Cole serves as Chair of the compensation committee of  well as several non-profit
          SUE W.                 Biscuitville, Inc., where she was previously Chairman of the Board.  organizations
          COLE                   Ms. Cole has previously served on the public-company board of  • Strong leadership skills and
                                 UNIFI, Inc. (NYSE: UFI), a manufacturer of textured yarns. She has  familiarity with North Carolina,
          Director Since: 2002   also been active in community and charitable organizations,  an important state for the
          Age: 70                including previously serving as Chairman of the North Carolina  Company
          Committees:            Chamber of Commerce, on the investment committee of the
                                 University of North Carolina at Greensboro and as a member of the
                                 North Carolina Economic Development Board. Ms. Cole attended
                                 the University of North Carolina at Greensboro where she earned a
                                 Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and a Masters
                                 in Business Administration in Finance.

                 Audit        Ethics, Environment, Safety  Executive   Finance  Management Development   Nominating & Corporate
                 Committee    & Health Committee    Committee  Committee   & Compensation Committee  Governance Committee

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