Page 86 - 2023 Sustainability Report
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        that, we want to draw folks from all over the state,” said  Director of Natural Resources James Sharn said it was a
        New Bern city manager Foster Hughes. This park is located  “great honor” to receive the award as it serves as an
        on the site of a former quarry owned by the Company   acknowledgement of the many people who work to
        which donated more than 55 acres to help form the new  restore the land.
        park. Phase 1 of the park includes a playground, walking
                                                              “The award recognizes the hard work, pride and
        trails, canoe/kayak launch, fishing pier and observation deck.
                                                              dedication of Martin Marietta employees who care about
                                                              how they return the land to nature and the community,”
                                                              Sharn said. “This is demonstrated in both the wildlife that
                                                              utilizes the reclaimed ground and the many favorable
                                                              comments we get from the surrounding community.”
                                                              The 2022 honor was not the first time Martin Marietta has
                                                              been recognized by the CSSGA. Previously, the Parkdale
                                                              Quarry team won the Enhancement of Reclamation through
                                                              Community and Stakeholder Engagement Award, and the
                                                              Taft Hill Sand and Gravel team won the Outstanding
                                                              Community Outreach and Education in the Benefits of
                                                              Reclamation of Mined Lands awards.

                                                              Sharn said honors like these are only made possible by the
                                                              continued dedication of those operating the quarries. “All
                                                              credit goes to the operations,” he said. Spec Agg Plant
                                                              Manager Luke Riemenschneider agreed. “It feels good
                                                              because the crew here is constantly putting in the hard
                                                              effort to reclaim this land. To see folks in the industry
                                                              recognize them is just spectacular,” he said. “For us,
                                                              reclamation is a daily agenda item. It is all about our guys
                                                              doing the work, and it is great to have an upper
                                                              management team that allows us to take this work so
                                      Martin Marietta Park,
                                            New Bern, NC

        In addition to re-purposing sites where mining has been
        completed, the company also engages in on-going or
        concurrent reclamation at most of its active operations.
        Our Colorado operations have excelled at concurrent
        reclamation, receiving accolades from state mining
        officials. For example, in late 2022 Martin Marietta’s
        Specification Aggregates (Spec Agg) Quarry was honored
        with an Outstanding Concurrent Reclamation Award as a       A herd gathers on land reclaimed at Spec Agg Quarry.
        part of the Colorado Stone, Sand and Gravel Association’s
        (CSSGA) 2022 Jack Starner Reclamation Awards program.
                                                              Award winners are determined by a panel of experts who
        The awards, which are sponsored by the Colorado Mined  select sites that display outstanding environmental efforts.
        Land Reclamation Board, celebrate outstanding         Russ Means, minerals program director for the Active
        reclamation of aggregate and construction material    Mines program at Colorado’s Division of Reclamation,
        operations and further the collection and dissemination of  Mining and Safety, serves on the panel and is the primary
        successful reclamation techniques, according to CSSGA.  contact point for submissions. He said it is no surprise that

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