Page 62 - Martin Marietta - 2024 Proxy Statement
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        Determination of CEO Compensation
        At each February Committee meeting, without the CEO present, the Committee reviews and evaluates CEO performance,
        and determines achievement levels for the prior year. At this meeting, the Committee also discusses an evaluation of the
        CEO’s performance, competitive compensation data, and salary and annual incentive pay recommendations with the
        independent members of the Board. In addition, the Committee reviews and discusses an award of RSUs and the target
        PSU grant size for the CEO at that meeting, which is also discussed with the independent members of the Board. The
        Committee’s independent compensation consultant provides the Committee with comparative compensation, background
        materials and analysis, and its recommendation in connection with these determinations.

                                              CEO Target Opportunity Mix*

                  Elements of               Fixed vs.             Short-Term vs.              Cash vs.
                 Compensation                Variable               Long-Term                  Equity

            • Base Salary 10%             • Fixed 10%             • Short-Term 48%          • Cash 37%
            • Annual Incentive 38%        • Variable 90%          • Long-Term 52%           • Equity 63%
            • Long-Term Incentive 52%

        * We consider base salary and annual incentives as short-term pay and PSUs and RSUs as long-term incentive (LTI) pay. We do not include retirement or
         other compensation components in the chart.

        2023 Chair, President and CEO Compensation
        Base Salary                                            plans. Our pension formula is based on years of service
        For 2023, Mr. Nye’s base salary remained at $1,285,000  and pension eligible compensation. Mr. Nye is not eligible
        (flat since March 1, 2021).                            for retiree health benefits.

        2023 Annual Incentive                                  Perquisites
        Mr. Nye’s target annual incentive amount for 2023 was  Mr. Nye received limited executive perquisites. We provide
        $2,056,000 (160% of base salary received for the year).  company-leased cars to the NEOs for their use.
        His actual annual incentive for 2023 was $4,934,400 or  Additionally, we pay for the insurance, maintenance and
        240% of target, as determined by the new formulaic     fuel for such vehicles. The value of personal mileage is
        approach.                                              charged to the NEO as imputed income. We make the
                                                               company-owned aircraft available to the CEO and other
        2023-2025 Long-Term Incentives                         senior executives for business travel only. We do not
        In 2023, Mr. Nye’s target LTI award was 490% of base   provide other perquisites, such as country club
        salary. He was granted an LTI award of $6,750,000, which  memberships, to the NEOs. The Committee reviews our
        was allocated 55%, or $3,710,000, in PSUs and 45%, or  policies and determines whether and to what extent
        $3,040,000, in RSUs. RSUs will vest pro rata over three  perquisites should be modified or continued.
        years, while the vesting of PSUs will be based upon our
        results relative to the three-year performance goals that  2023 Target Pay Mix
        were established in the beginning of 2023.             We believe that most of the compensation opportunities
                                                               to our CEO should be variable and the variable elements
        Benefit and Retirement Plans                           of the compensation package should tie to the Company’s
        Mr. Nye is eligible for benefit and retirement programs  long-term success and the achievement of sustainable
        similar to other employees. None of our executives     long-term total return to our shareholders. A significant
        received additional years of service credits or other forms  portion of our CEO’s target compensation is variable and
        of formula enhancements under our benefit or retirement  in the form of LTI, and more than half of total target pay
                                                               is in the form of equity incentives.

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