Page 29 - 2019 Annual Report
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Note E: Accounts Receivable, Net
December 31
(in millions) 2019 2018
Customer receivables $ 564.4 $ 514.1
Other current receivables 14.0 12.5
578.4 526.6
Less: Allowances (4.7 ) (3.3 )
Total $ 573.7 $ 523.3
Of the total accounts receivable, net, balances, $2.9 million and $2.5 million at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively, were
due from unconsolidated affiliates.
Note F: Inventories, Net
December 31
(in millions) 2019 2018
Finished products $ 643.6 $ 615.7
Products in process 41.9 35.6
Raw materials 32.4 31.3
Supplies and expendable parts 141.5 139.6
859.4 822.2
Less: Allowances (168.6 ) (159.2 )
Total $ 690.8 $ 663.0
Note G: Property, Plant and Equipment, Net
December 31
(in millions) 2019 2018
Land and land improvements $ 1,135.0 $ 1,089.6
Mineral reserves and interests 2,509.8 2,506.8
Buildings 163.4 162.1
Machinery and equipment 4,548.6 4,357.7
Construction in progress 258.4 178.7
Finance lease right‐of‐use assets 18.3 —
8,633.5 8,294.9
Less: Accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization (3,427.5 ) (3,137.7 )
Total $ 5,206.0 $ 5,157.2
Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense related to property, plant and equipment was $354.4 million, $326.1 million
and $279.8 million for the years ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. Depreciation, depletion and
amortization expense for 2019 includes amortization of right‐of‐use assets from finance leases and for 2018 and 2017 includes
amortization of machinery and equipment under capital leases.
Interest expense of $5.1 million, $3.0 million and $3.6 million was capitalized during 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively.
At December 31, 2019 and 2018, $49.7 million and $56.2 million, respectively, of the Building Materials business’ property,
plant and equipment, net, were located in foreign countries, namely the Bahamas and Canada.
Celebrating 25 Years as a Public Company Annual Report ♦ Page 27