CSV Reports, Create a Custom Report

CSV (Excel) versions can be created of these reports:



NOTE: To generate PDF versions, see Basic Ticket Report (opens in a new tab), Job Ticket Report (opens in a new tab), and Truck Activity Report (opens in a new tab).



To create a custom report:

  1. Open the tickets tab (opens in a new tab)

  2. Click the "CSV Reports" icon


  3. Wait for the CSV Reports dialog to display

  4. Click the download link to download the report


  5. Wait for a CSV file of the report to download

  6. Click the download link to launch the file


  7. Wait for the CSV ticket report to open in Excel



Custom Ticket Report


Custom ticket reports can be created using any field contained in the Basic Ticket, Job Ticket, and Truck Activity reports. The saved report is added to the list of reports in the CSV Reports dialog. Users can edit or delete a custom report as needed.


  1. Click the CSV Reports icon

  2. Wait for the CSV Reports dialog to display

  3. Click "Create Custom Report"


  4. Wait for the "Create Custom Template" dialog to display

  5. Enter a report name and description

  6. Check the boxes for the fields to individually add them

  7. Click the forward single arrow icon

  8. OR Click the forward three arrow icon to add all fields


    NOTE: Available and Selected Fields lists are scrollable.


  9. Click the backward single arrow to remove individual fields

  10. OR Click the triple back arrow to remove all fields

  11. Check a field's checkbox

  12. Click "Move Up" or "Move Down" to change the field order

  13. Click "Submit" when done

  14. Verify that eRocks added the report to the CSV Reports list


    1. Click the download icon to run and download the report

    2. Click the three dot icon to open the actions menu. From the actions menu, users can

      • Subscribe/Unsubscribe to reports

      • Edit the report

      • Delete the report