Page 71 - 2022 Sustainability Report
P. 71
Pearl Shell Mussels
“It’s part of what we do,” Dennis said. “It’s our job to now also have made significant contributions to offsite
make sure we leave our environment just as good, if not projects as well. While it’s common knowledge that Martin
better, than where it started.” Marietta limestone is incredibly important in the
construction of roads, homes, buildings and other land-
based structures, it’s not well known that our products are
playing an increasingly important role beneath the sea.
From the Outer Banks to the South Carolina border, North
Carolina has about 300 miles of coastline that is home to
not only millions of people, but also many wildlife species.
Numerous organizations, both public and private, are
working to protect this coastal habitat and Martin
Marietta’s material is vital to their mission.
One of the private organizations working to ensure coastal
preservation is Martin Marietta customer RS Shorelines.
Formed by Restoration Systems in 2020, RS Shorelines uses
Zero Impact crossing, Ball Ground, GA
native materials to build living shorelines that serve as
viable, and, in many ways superior, alternatives to
Other Biodiversity Efforts traditional coastal barriers like bulkheads and seawalls.
Many manmade sea barriers effectively protect the
Because we own and lease many thousands of acres of immediate vicinity in which they’re placed. The problem,
land, we are also active managers of significant forest however, is that the force of the water on such barriers is
resources. Management and replenishment of this resource not eliminated, only diverted elsewhere along the coast.
is top of mind for our operations. For instance, beginning in This means that while the area nearest the barrier wall may
2015, our East Division implemented a timber management be protected, erosion and other harmful effects are still felt
program. In the last 5 years alone the division has planted along other points of the shoreline.
almost 600,000 trees reclaiming many acres of forest.
Our sites also actively partner with local agencies, as
well as organizations like the South Carolina Department of
Natural Resources. For example, our Berkeley
Quarry has undertaken significant steps to encourage the
protection and enhancement of wildlife. In 2020 the
Company entered into a Safe Harbor Agreement with
the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
covering 2,050 acres at its Berkeley property for the
protection of the endangered Red Cockaded Woodpecker.
This 99 year agreement includes habitat buffers to protect the Endangered Red
existing nesting tree, along with annual habitat enhancement Cockaded Woodpecker
activities including thinning, controlled burns and
construction of artificial nesting boxes to encourage
additional birds into the habitat. This site also participates in In an effort to remedy these problems, RS Shorelines’ affiliate
the South Carolina Wildlife Federation’s W.A.I.T. (Wildlife and RS Solutions invented QuickReef . Utilizing a variety of native
Industry Together) program. This program encourages the North Carolina materials, including marine limestone, or marl,
protection and enhancement of wildlife on industry lands. from the Company’s Belgrade Quarry, QuickReef works in
conjunction with other elements of a living shoreline —
Not only has the Company partnered with local agencies
including local flora and rock structures — to offer a more
and groups for conservation projects on our sites, but we