Page 59 - 2021 Sustainability Report
P. 59
In addition to having a longer lifespan than many Martin Marietta’s marl has played a major role in the
traditional coastline barriers, living shorelines provide a creation of these sanctuaries with class B rip rap (bowling
number of environmental benefits, including the ball-sized limestone rock) from Clarks Quarry being used as
promotion of marsh land that helps decrease the amount the primary material for oyster reefs. Since 2018, more
of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and the creation of than 111,000 tons of Martin Marietta limestone has been
valuable habitats for fish, crabs and a host of other used for oyster reef creation with an additional 36,000
wildlife, including oysters. Many QuickReefs ™ are loaded tons scheduled for shipment in 2022. North Carolina has
with the mollusks within one year of placement, she said. one of the strongest oyster sanctuary programs in the
country and other states are taking note. Such programs
Oysters have an enormous benefit for the environment with are on the rise across other coastal states.
adult oysters filtering about 30 gallons of water each day.
Though not currently an endangered species, their worldwide Buzz Crosby, Regional Vice President / General Manager of
population has decreased dramatically in recent decades as a Martin Marietta’s Raleigh District (home to both Belgrade
result overharvesting, disease and loss of natural habitat. and Clarks quarries), says he is excited his team’s products
are being utilized so sustainably. “As a company that
While one benefit of RS Shorelines QuickReef ™ is to heavily values environmental stewardship, it’s great that
restore oyster habitats, the creation of natural oyster reefs Martin Marietta has the opportunity to work with
is the sole driving force behind a number of other projects organizations so completely dedicated to our
for which Martin Marietta provides materials, including environment,” Crosby said. “Whether we’re talking about
those being run by agencies and organizations like the oyster reef sanctuaries, or the construction of
North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, the North QuickReefs , the goals are one in the same. These groups
Carolina Coastal Federation, The Nature Conservancy work to ensure the overall health of our wildlife habitats so
(headquartered in Virginia), and a handful of others. The that they will be preserved for future generations. That’s
efforts of these groups have had an immense impact in definitely a mission our team is proud to support.”
recent years. Since 1996, there have been 15 sanctuaries
developed in the Pamlico Sound near the Outer banks with
a combined area of more than 350 acres.
Oyster reef under construction Oyster growth at 14 weeks on a Quick Reef ™