Page 4 - 2020 Sustainability Report
P. 4

CEO Letter

                                WE CONTINUE TO PROVE THAT ZERO IS POSSIBLE

                        99.8%                           98.9%                             79

                       of employees experienced       of employees experienced      business units have worked
                       ZERO lost-time incidents           ZERO incidents          more than 500,000 hours with
                                                                                     ZERO lost-time injuries

          Over the years, we have built a solid foundation for ensuring our employees and managers have the information, tools
          and resources to operate our business safely and efficiently and, in 2020, it was tested and shown to be robust and
          resilient. For the fourth year in a row, Martin Marietta delivered a world-class safety performance in our industry with
          99.8 percent of our approximately 9,000 employees experiencing zero lost-time incidents. In 2020, our performance
          represented the best safety record in Martin Marietta’s history with Company-wide lost time and total injury incident rates
          at 0.15 and 0.93, respectively. We recognize that our employees are our most valuable assets so we continue to strive for
          zero incidents and to set a standard for our industry.

                                                                                           Safety Level
                           0.39                   0.24                  0.15                 (0.20)

                            2010                  2015                   2020
                   Note: Safety data current as of 12/31/2020. LTIR per 200,000 man hours worked. World-class levels based on general industries.

          Sustainability is also a core value at Martin Marietta, as well a driver for continuous improvement and a key element of
          delivering greater long-term value to our stakeholders. This commitment is shared throughout our enterprise — from our
          Board of Directors to our managers to our employees — and is integral to each of our businesses and their day-to-day
          operations. As part of our commitment to sustainability and acting in an environmentally responsible manner, we also
          recognize the global threat posed by climate change and the need for a global and ambitious response.

          Martin Marietta has vigorous governance and oversight in place relating to climate and other environmental matters. With
          respect to climate concerns in particular, in 2020, we established reduction targets for the direct greenhouse gas (GHG)
          emissions associated with our cement and magnesia specialties businesses which, although responsible for a small portion
          of our revenue, generate the vast majority of our GHG emissions. We also have made new investments expanding our
          ability to use alternate fuels and new operational changes, such as vertical integration at our Hunter, Texas cement
          facility, to reduce our GHG footprint. We also have continued to enhance our disclosure related to the environmental
          impact of our operations. In this year’s report, we provide additional information about GHG emissions related to our
          operations, including reporting our Scope 2 emissions, and our efforts to implement new initiatives to achieve our

          Earlier in 2021, we hosted our virtual Investor Day. The program’s theme was SOAR to a Sustainable Future and
          focused on our disciplined execution of a proven strategy, business model, outlook and other topics that are important to
          our investors. SOAR, our five-year Strategic Operating Analysis and Review, is the foundation on which our business,
          people and communities continue to thrive. Importantly, we also reaffirmed our commitment to a world-class safety
          culture, operating in an environmentally responsible manner, supporting and investing in our people, and robust
          governance protocols with oversight by an engaged Board of Directors.

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