Page 4 - Martin Marietta - 2023 Proxy Statement
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and Engagement implements programs and training and advances a culture in furtherance of development, retention
and engagement of our employees.
• We will publish our 9th annual Sustainability Report in April 2023, which will expand our ESG disclosures, add clarity to
our business’ related performance, our opportunities and challenges, and commit to goals we can achieve.
• In last year’s letter to you, published in April 2022, I noted our continued progress on sustainability matters, including
our Scope 1 reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and goals to reduce or offset our Scope 2 GHGs
including a Scope 2 goal with a net zero target for 2050 as well as a roadmap for achieving our 2030 and 2050
reduction targets. In our 2022 Sustainability Report published later this month, we will provide more detail on our
ambition to be net zero by 2050 across our entire value chain, including various initiatives we have implemented, and
plan to implement, to fulfil our commitments.
• We are adding a new website section providing additional transparency with respect to the Company’s political
contributions and lobbying activities.
• We refreshed the leadership of the Audit Committee and the Ethics, Environment, Safety and Health (EESH) Committee
with a continued focus on diversity and ensuring our Board composition and skills are aligned with our strategy.
Over the past seven years, we have added seven new independent directors. Almost half (45 percent) of our Board is
diverse, including three women, two African American and one Hispanic director, each of whom brings strong
backgrounds and experience with publicly-traded companies and adds unique insights to our Board mix. At this year’s
Annual Meeting, Smith W. Davis will retire in accordance with the mandatory retirement provision in our bylaws. Mr. Davis
has been a superb and insightful member of our Board; we are extremely grateful for his steady guidance and thoughtful
leadership throughout his Board tenure and as Chair of our EESH Committee. We wish him well in retirement.
Your Vote Matters
I urge you to promptly cast your vote, You may do so by either returning the enclosed Proxy Card or by the electronic or
telephone options described in our Proxy Statement. On behalf of our Board of Directors, thank you for your investment in
Martin Marietta. We look forward to continuing to deliver strong and responsible performance, innovation and growth to
our customers, our shareholders and our other stakeholders.
C. Howard Nye
Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer