Page 118 - Martin Marietta - 2023 Proxy Statement
P. 118

                                        CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

            ears ended December 31
           (in millions)                                                  2022              021            2020
           Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
           Consolidated net earnings                                 $         866.8  $        702.8  $        721.1
           Adjustments to reconcile consolidated net earnings to net cash provided
             by operating activities:
           Depreciation, depletion and amortization                            506.0           451.7           393.5
           Stock‐based compensation expense                                    42.7             43.0            30.0
           Gains on divestitures, sales of assets and extinguishment of debt  (195.7)          (21.7)           (73.0)
           Deferred income taxes, net                                           (0.6)           92.2            43.8
           Other items, net                                                    (11.7)          (14.9)            2.1
           Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of effects of acquisitions
             and divestitures:
              Accounts receivable, net                                         (12.1)         (194.4)            6.1
              Inventories, net                                                (131.7)           73.2            (19.3)
              Accounts payable                                                 (31.2)          109.8            (34.0)
              Other assets and liabilities, net                                (41.3)         (104.0)           (20.2)
           Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities                           991.2          1,137.7         1,050.1
           Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
           Additions to property, plant and equipment                         (481.8)         (423.1)          (359.7)
           Acquisitions, net of cash acquired                                  11.0          (3,109.2)          (65.1)
           Proceeds from divestitures and sales of assets                      687.1            42.8           142.3
           Purchase of restricted investments to discharge long‐term debt     (704.6)            —                —
           Investments in life insurance contracts, net                         7.5             14.9           (111.2)
           Other investing activities, net                                      (3.0)            —              (16.0)
           Net Cash Used for Investing Activities                             (483.8)        (3,474.6)         (409.7)
           Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
           Borrowings of long‐term debt                                          —            2,896.7          628.1
           Repayments of long‐term debt                                        (54.5)         (420.1)          (777.1)
           Debt issuance and extinguishment costs                               (0.7)           (7.5)            (2.0)
           Payments on finance lease obligations                               (15.0)          (11.1)            (3.5)
           Dividends paid                                                     (159.1)         (147.8)          (140.3)
           Repurchases of common stock                                        (150.0)            —              (50.0)
           Distributions to owners of noncontrolling interest                    —              (0.6)             —
           Proceeds from exercise of stock options                              0.6              1.3             2.3
           Shares withheld for employees’ income tax obligations               (28.8)          (19.5)           (14.5)
           Net Cash (Used for) Provided by Financing Activities               (407.5)         2,291.4          (357.0)
           Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash  99.9         (45.5)          283.4
           Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash, beginning of year       258.9           304.4            21.0
           Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash, end of year   $         358.8  $        258.9  $        304.4

           Th T T e accompanying Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements.

           Page 14 ♦ Annual Report
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