Page 100 - Martin Marietta - 2023 Proxy Statement
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                                                 Compara ve Scope 1 Emissions

                                 Mar n Marie a        CEMEX            Heidelberg         Holcim

                                                         Millions of Metric Tonnes

                                      Sources: 2021 annual reports, sustainability reports and corporate websites.

           In fact, we are a very small (<0.2%) contributor to the overall Scope 1 emissions (which are direct GHG emissions that
           occur from sources that are controlled or owned by an organization) and Scope 2 emissions (which are indirect emissions
           associated with the purchase of electricity, steam, heat and cooling) attributed to the global cement sector.

           Our GHG Reduction Commitments and Initiatives
           Martin Marietta completed its first Sustainability Report for calendar year 2018 (which was published in 2019) and has
           continued to publish subsequent annual Sustainability Reports . We have taken a stepped approach that has consistently
            built on our disclosure and commitments in each subsequent year with respect to GHG and other sustainability matters.

            Our two cement plants have been publicly reporting their Scope 1 GHG emissions under the U.S. Environmental Protection
            Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule since approximately 2010, and we believe they are among the industry’s most
            modern. In fact, we have invested over a billion dollars in plant modernization in those two plants since 2008. Many of the
            other cement producers have more plants that are significantly older and less efficient, and/or operate outside the U.S. in
            more lenient jurisdictions that do not require emissions reporting to regulatory authorities. We know that our plants are
            industry leaders in comparison to facilities of the other cement companies to which the proponent has compared us, from
            emissions, efficiency and safety perspectives as we have acquired some of those operations in the past.

            As reflected in our past actions, we understand the importance of doing our part in the battle against climate change. As
            described in our annual Sustainability Reports, the Company has made and continues to pursue, reassess and expand
            various important commitments to reduce GHG emissions, along with continuing to advance our sustainability-related
            disclosures generally each year. In particular, these commitments include:

              • in our 2019 Sustainability Report, setting 15% Scope 1 carbon intensity reduction targets for 2030 covering our
                cement and magnesia businesses, which are responsible for approximately 87% of our Scope 1 GHG emissions;
              • in our 2020 Sustainability Report, disclosing our Scope 2 GHG emissions;

              • in our 2021 Sustainability Report, setting Scope 2 GHG reduction targets of 30% by 2030 (over a 2021 baseline year)
                and committing to be carbon neutral for our Scope 2 GHG emissions by 2050 across all product lines; and
              • in our forthcoming 2022 Sustainability Report, expanding our 2050 Net Zero Target commitments on Scope 2 GHG
                emissions to include a Net Zero ambition on Scope 1 GHG emissions.

           2   All references to disclosures in our Sustainability Reports are subject to the assumptions and limitations described
               therein, and none of our Sustainability Reports are being incorporated by reference into this proxy statement.

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