Page 64 - 2019 Annual Report
P. 64

           Front Range
           Through strategic acquisitions since 2011, the Company has built a leading position to serve the Front Range. Extending from
           the southern portion of Wyoming near Cheyenne, following Interstate 25 through Colorado into New Mexico, incorporating
           Santa Fe and Albuquerque, the Front Range megaregion is one of the nation’s fastest-growing megaregions. Colorado ranked
           eighth in population growth for the eight-year period ended 2018. The Front Range represents 85% of Colorado’s population
           and is estimated to exceed 10 million residents by 2050, nearly double the 2010 population.
           The Colorado economy includes a diverse economic base, leading to strong employment and population growth. Denver was
           ranked fourth by Forbes for best cities for business and careers. Senate Bill 17-267, enacted in 2017, includes a component
           that focuses on new lease-purchase agreements that allocates $1.9 billion of its proceeds to Colorado DOT (CDOT) and the
           remainder of its proceeds to transportation and capital construction projects over a four-year period. CDOT fiscal year 2019-
           2020 budget is $3.6 billion.

           Spanning nearly the entire state, the Florida megaregion is rapidly expanding. Florida is the country’s third-most populous
           state according to the Census Bureau. Population growth in Florida is estimated to exceed seven million, or 32%, from 2020
           to 2040. Further, the state’s GDP represents 5% of the nation’s GDP. Florida ranks second in total housing permits for the
           twelve months ended December 31, 2019.
           Florida has a $10.8 billion DOT budget for fiscal year 2019-2020 and a proposed budget of $9.9 billion for fiscal year 2020-
           2021. In fact, the state has a $46.6 billion five-year construction program that extends to 2021. In the 2018 elections, Florida
           voters approved six ballot initiatives totaling $24.9 billion for infrastructure investment.
           Iowa has been a top-five Martin Marietta revenue-generating state for decades and has historically experienced a stable and
           steady economy. Iowa is the nation’s largest corn- and pork-producing state and provides approximately 9% of America’s
           food supply.  The Company’s agricultural  lime volumes are  dependent on, among other things, weather,  demand  for
           agricultural commodities, including  corn and soybeans,  commodity prices, farm and land values.  The Iowa economy  has
           become consistently more diverse over the past several years, in part due to both its low cost and ease of doing business. The
           state is attractive for starting and expanding businesses due to enticing tax incentives. Facebook announced plans to begin
           work on a $400 million data center in the summer of 2020 which is projected to be completed in 2022. Additionally, Apple
           plans to build a $1.3  billion data center  near Des Moines.  Further,  a $250  million warehouse and data  center  project is
           expected to add more than 1,000 jobs to the Des Moines metro. Wind-based energy production continues to be a focus for
           Iowa as the state remains focused on its efforts to become fossil fuel free.

           Growth markets with limited supply of indigenous stone must be served via a long-haul distribution network.

           The  U.S. Department of the  Interior’s
           geological map of the United States
           depicts the possible sources of
           indigenous surface rock and illustrates
           its limited supply in  certain areas of
           the United States, including the coastal
           areas from Virginia to Texas. Further,
           certain interior United States markets
           may experience limited availability of
           locally sourced aggregates resulting
           from increasingly  restrictive zoning,
           permitting and/or environmental  laws
           and regulations.  The  Company’s long-
           haul  distribution  network  is used to
           supplement, or in many  cases wholly
           supply, the local crushed stone needs
           in these areas.

           Annual Report  ♦  Page 62                                            Celebrating 25 Years as a Public Company
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