Page 55 - 2019 Annual Report
P. 55

           In order  to  assess population  growth and  density, the Company focuses on the megaregions of the United  States.
           Megaregions are  large  networks of metropolitan  population  centers covering thousands of square miles. According to
           America 2050, a planning and policy program of the Regional Plan Association, a majority of the nation’s population and
           economic growth through 2050 will occur in 11 megaregions. The Company has a presence in most of the megaregions. As
           evidence of the successful execution of SOAR, the Company’s leading positions in the Texas Triangle and Colorado’s Front
           Range megaregions and its enhanced position in the Piedmont Atlantic,  primarily  in  the Atlanta area, are the results of
           acquisitions since 2011. Additionally, the 2018 acquisition of Bluegrass Materials Company (Bluegrass) provided the Company
           with a new growth platform within the southern portion of the Northeast megaregion. The Company has a legacy presence in
           the southeastern portion of the Great Lakes megaregion, encompassing operations in Indiana and Ohio. The megaregions
           and the Company’s key states are more fully discussed in the Building Materials Business’ Key Considerations section.

           In considering business and employment diversity, the Company focuses its  geographic footprint along significant
           transportation corridors, particularly where land is readily available for the construction of fulfillment and/or data centers.
           The retail sector values transportation  corridors, as logistics and distribution  are critical considerations for  construction
           supporting that industry. In addition, technology companies view these areas as attractive locations for data centers.

           Additionally, the Company considers a state’s financial position in determining the opportunities and attractiveness of areas
           for expansion or development. In this assessment, a state’s financial health rating, issued by S&P Global Ratings and where
           AAA is the highest score, is reviewed. The Company’s top ten revenue-generating states have been assigned a financial health
           rating of AA or AAA. The Company also reviews the state’s ingenuity to securing additional infrastructure sourcing.

           Celebrating 25 Years as a Public Company                                         Annual Report  ♦  Page 53
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