Page 6 - Code of Ethical Business Conduct
P. 6

4   Martin Marietta

           Corporate Commitment to Ethics
             To ensure continuing attention to matters of ethics and standards on
           the part of all Martin Marietta employees, Martin Marietta has established
           a Corporate Ethics Office. This office is charged with responsibility for
           monitoring performance under this Code of Ethical Business Conduct and
           for resolving concerns presented to the Ethics Office.
             Martin Marietta calls on every employee to report any violation or apparent
           violation of the Code. Martin Marietta strongly encourages employees to
           work with their supervisors in making such reports and, in addition, provides
           to employees the right to report violations directly to the Corporate Ethics
           Office. Prompt reporting of violations is considered to be in the best interest
           of everyone.
             Employee reports will be handled as confidentially as possible. No
           employee will suffer indignity or retaliation because of a report he or she
                                   makes. The person reporting a blatant or
                                   suspected violation will be given anonymity
           What to Expect When     if he or she so requests.
           Calling Our Ethics Hotline
           n  Your concern will be treated   The Corporate Ethics Office is part of
           seriously, fairly and timely.  the executive office of Martin Marietta and
           n  You will be treated with   reports to the Senior Vice President and
           respect.                General Counsel. The toll-free number is
           n  You need not identify   1-800-209-4508 and is available 24 hours a
           yourself.               day, 7 days a week. Employees may also visit
           n  Martin Marietta takes its or write to
           obligations very seriously and
           will take appropriate action in   the Ethics Office, PO Box 30013, Raleigh, NC
           response to violations of this   27622, to make a report. Remember there
           Code, even if these actions   is never a penalty for contacting the Ethics
           are not always visible to you.  Office in good faith. People in positions
                                   of authority cannot stop you; if they try, they
                                   are subject to disciplinary action. Martin
           Marietta will not tolerate retaliation against employees who raise concerns to
           any source in good faith.
             The Corporate Ethics Office is under the auspices of the Senior Vice
           President and General Counsel, who reports ethics matters to the Chief
           Executive Officer of Martin Marietta and the Ethics, Environment, Safety
           and Health Committee of our Board of Directors.
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