New in eRocks!
Enhanced Dashboard and Simplified Navigation
- Vital account information displays on the dashboard when you login.
- Search for specific statements, invoices and tickets right from the dashboard.
- Drill into tickets, invoices, and statements from convenient dashboard tiles.
A New Pay Now Button on the Home Page
Click right from the home page to view your transactions and quickly make payments.
Multiple Bank Accounts
Add and administer multiple bank accounts yourself right in eRocks.
Add and Invite Users. Users Maintain Their Own Access Information
Add users to your company accounts and send users invitations to register. Users can maintain their passwords and security questions.
Global and Advanced Search
- Simple and advanced search tools are accessible throughout eRocks.
- Filter and search criteria that runs along the left side of the page.
- Apply and clear filters and easily switch between tickets, invoices, and statements.
Faster Reports, More Options
- Create PDF or Excel/CSV reports.
- Create line item summary reports or multi-page PDF invoice and statement reports.
- Click a ticket or invoice link to generate a PDF report.