CSV Reports, Create a Custom Report

You can create CSV (Excel) versions of these reports:

Note: To generate PDF versions, see Basic Ticket ReportJob Ticket Report, and Truck Activity Report.



Open the Tickets page.

Click the CSV Reports icon to the right:

The CSV Reports dialog displays.


Click the download icon for the report to download:

A CSV file of the report downloads.


Click the download link at the bottom of your browser to open the file:

The CSV ticket report opens in Excel:


Custom Ticket Report

You can create and save a custom ticket report using any of the fields contained in the Basic Ticket, Job Ticket, and 
Truck Activity reports. The saved report is added to the list of reports in the CSV Reports dialog. You can edit or delete a custom report as needed.


Click the CSV Reports icon to the right:

The CSV Reports dialog displays.


Click Create Custom Report:

The Create Custom Template dialog displays.


Enter a report name and description:


The Available and Selected Fields lists are scrollable.

Check the boxes for the fields to add and click  . To add all fields, click  .

 removes individual fields.   removes all fields.

To change the field order, check a field's checkbox and click   or  .


Click   when you are done. eRocks adds the report to the CSV Reports list:


Click  to run and download the report.

Click   to edit the report or  to delete it.