
* Only available for customers registered to prepay

See also



Go to the Prepayment page.

Select Customer Number and enter Payment amount.

Click Next:

The Payment Method page is displayed.


Select payment method or Create a new payment method.

Click Next:

The Review page is displayed.


Review that all of the information entered is correct. Click Pay:

Confirmation is displayed, click Pay:

Summary page is displayed and showing a transaction receipt. The email on file will also receive a payment confirmation:


Click Print to print the receipt, or click Continue:

The Customer Numbers page is displayed.


View Pending Payment Transactions

You can check payments which have been submitted to the bank but not yet processed.


Click Payment History. A list of pending transactions displays:

Click the Details icon to view transaction details:


View Processed Transactions

You can check payments which have been processed by the bank and paid.


Click Processed, a list of paid transactions displays:

Click the Details icon to view transaction details: